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448 GEOGRAPHICAL ZOOLOGY. [part iv.<br />

Europe, Asia, and North America ; Argentina (4 sp.), Mediter-<br />

ranean and deep seas of Western Europe ; Microstoma (2 sp.),<br />

Mediterranean, and seas of Greenland ; Salarix (2 sp.), China and<br />

Japan, in seas and rivers. Salmo, Osmerus, Coregonus, and<br />

Thymallus, are British genera.<br />

Family 66.—PERCOPSID^. (1 Genus, 1 Species.)<br />

" A fresh-water fish covered with toothed scales."<br />

Distribution.—Lake Superior, North America.<br />

Family 67.—GALAXID^. (1 Genus, 12 Species.)<br />

" Fresh-water fishes, with neither scales nor barbels."<br />

Distribution.—The temperate zone of the Southern Hemi-<br />

sphere.<br />

The only genus, Galaxias, is found in New Zealand, Tasma-<br />

nia, and Tierra del.Fuego, ranging north as far as Queensland<br />

and Chili ; and one of the species is absolutely identical in the<br />

two regions.<br />

Family 68.—MORMYEID^. (3 Genera, 25 Species.)<br />

" Fresh-water fishes, with scales on the body and tail but not<br />

on the head, and no barbels."<br />

Distribution.—The Ethiopian Region.<br />

Most abundant in the Nile, a few from the Gambia, the<br />

Congo, and Rovuma. The genera are :<br />

Mormyrus (1 sp.), Nile, Gambia, West Africa, Mozambique,<br />

Rovuma ; Hyperopdus (2 sp.), Nile and West Africa ; Mormy-<br />

rops (4 sp.), Nile, West Africa and Mozambique.<br />

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