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CHAP. XXII.] MOLLUSCA. 521<br />

Japan, the other half in Moluccas, New Guinea and Australia ;<br />

Cyclotopsis (2 sp.), India and Malaya : Registoma (9 sp.), Philip-<br />

pines and Moluccas, New Caledonia and Pacific.<br />

Characteristic of the Neotropical region are :<br />

—<br />

Gyclotus (111<br />

sp.), half in the Antilles and Tropical America, the rest in the<br />

Moluccas, China, Malaya, India, Natal, and the Seychelle<br />

Islands ; Megalomastoma (27 sp.), abundant in Cuba, West<br />

Indies and South America, others in India, Malaya, and<br />

Mauritius ; Jamaicia (2 sp.), Jamaica ; Licina (5 sp.), Antilles<br />

Choanopoma (49 sp.), Antilles; Ctenopoma (25 sp.), Antilles;<br />

Diplopoma (1 sp.), Cuba; Adamsiella (15 sp.), Jamaica, Cuba,<br />

Guatemala ; Gydostomus (113 sp.), abundant in Antilles, also<br />

occurs in Madagascar, Arabia, Syria, Hungary and New Zealand<br />

Tudora (34 sp.), Antilles, and one species in Algeria ; Cistula<br />

(40 sp.), Chondropoma (94 sp.), Bourcieria (2 sp.). Tropical<br />

America.<br />

Peculiar to or characteristic of the Palsearctic region are :<br />

Craspedopoma (5 sp.), confined to Madeira, the Azores and<br />

Canaries ; Leonia (1 sp.), Spain and Algeria ; Pomatias (22 sp.),<br />

Europe and Canaries with a species in the Himalayas ; Cecina<br />

— ;<br />

(1 sp.), Manchuria.<br />

The Ethiopian region has the peculiar genus Lithodion (5 sp.),<br />

Madagascar, Socotra and Arabia; and Otopoma{\'^ sp.), Mascarene<br />

Islands and Socotra, with a species in Western India and another<br />

in New Ireland.<br />

The Australian region is characterised by Callia (3 sp.), in<br />

Ceram, Australia, and the Philippines respectively ; Realia (7<br />

sp.). New Zealand and the Marquesas Islands ; Omphalotropis<br />

(38 sp.), the Australian region, with some species in India,<br />

Malaya, and the Mauritius.<br />

The remaining genus, Hydrocena (27 sp.), has a very<br />

widely scattered distribution, being found in South Europe,<br />

Japan, the Cape, China, Malaya, New Zealand, the Pacific<br />

Islands and Chili. From 10 to 20 per cent, of new species have<br />

been since described in most of the genera of this family.

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