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344 GEOGRAPHICAL ZOOLOGY. [fart iv.<br />

with crests or other ornamental plumes, so prevalent in the order<br />

to which they belong. The sub-families and genera, according<br />

to the arrangement of Messrs. Sclater and Salvin, are as<br />

follows :<br />

—<br />

TiNAMiN^, 7 genera..<br />

— —<br />

Tinamus (7 sp.), Mexico to Paraguay;<br />

Nothocercus (3 sp.), Costa Eica to Venezuela and Ecuador; Crypt-<br />

urus (16 sp.), Mexico to Paraguay and Bolivia ; Rhynchotus (2<br />

sp.), Bolivia and South Brazil to La Plata ; Nothoprocta (4 sp.),<br />

Ecuador to Bolivia and Chili ; Nothura (4 sp.), Brazil and Bolivia<br />

to Patagonia ; Taoniscus (1 sp.), Brazil to Paraguay.<br />

TiNAMOTiN.^, 2 genera.<br />

Calodromas (1 sp.). La Plata and<br />

Patagonia ; Tinamotis (1 sp.), Andes of Peru and Bolivia.<br />

General BemarJcs on the Distribution of Qallinm.<br />

There are about400 known species of Gallinaceous birds grouped<br />

into 76 genera, of which no less than 65 are each restricted<br />

to a single region. The Tetraonidse are the only cosmopolitan<br />

family, and even these do not extend into Temperate South Ameri-<br />

ca, and are very poorly represented in Australia. The Cracidse<br />

and Tinamidse are strictly Neotropical, the Megapodiidse almost<br />

as strictly Australian. There remains the extensive family of the<br />

Phasianidse, which offers some interesting facts. We have first<br />

the well-marked sub-families of the Numidinse and Meleagrinse,<br />

confined to the Ethiopian and Nearctic regions respectively, and<br />

we find the remaining five sub-families, comprising about 60<br />

species, many of them the most magnificent of known birds,<br />

spread over the Oriental and the south-eastern portion of the<br />

Paltearctic regions. This restriction is remarkable, since there<br />

is no apparent cause in climate or vegetation why pheasants<br />

should not be found wild throughout southern Europe, as they<br />

were during late Tertiary and Post-Tertiary times. We have also<br />

to notice the remarkable absence of the Pheasant tribe from<br />

Hindostan and Ceylon, where the peacock and jungle-fowl are<br />

their sole representatives. These two forms also alone extend<br />

to Java, whereas in the adjacent islands of Borneo and Sumatra<br />

we have Ar^usianus, Polyplectron, and Euplocamus. The common<br />

jungle-fowl (the origin of our domestic poultry) is the only

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