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all the Nearctic and Palsearctic regions as far as the Atlas Moun-<br />

tains, the Indo-Chinese sub-region in the mountains, and to<br />

Hainan and Formosa ; Helarctos, the Malay or sun-bear (1<br />

species) confined to the Indo-Malayan sub-region ; Melursus or<br />

Prochilus, the honey-bear (1 species), confined to the first and<br />

second Oriental sub-regions, over which it ranges from the<br />

Ganges to Ceylon ; and Tremardos, the spectacled bear—commonly<br />

known as Ursus ornatus—which is isolated in the Andes<br />

of Peru and Chili, and forms a distinct group.<br />

Fossil Ursidce.—Two bears {Ursus spelceus and U. jpriscus)<br />

closely allied to living species, abound in the Post-tertiary de-<br />

posits of Europe ; and others of the same age are found in "North<br />

America, as well as an extinct genus, Ardodus.<br />

Ursus arvernensis is found in the Pliocene formation of Prance,<br />

and the extinct genus Leptarchus in that of North America.<br />

Several species of Amphicyon, which appears to be an ances-<br />

tral form of this family, are found in the Miocene deposits of<br />

Europe and N. India ; while Ursus also occurs in the Siwalik<br />

Hills and Nerbudda deposits.<br />

Neotropical<br />

Sub-regions.<br />

Family 33.—OTAPJID^. (4 Genera, 8 Species.)<br />

n earctic<br />

Sdb-kegions.<br />

General Distribution.<br />

Pal^arctic<br />

Sub-regions.<br />

Ethiopian<br />

Sub-regions.<br />

Oriental<br />

Sub-regions.<br />

Australian<br />

Sub-regions.<br />

2.3<br />

The Otariidse, or Eared Seals, comprehending the sea-bears and<br />

sea-lions, are confined to the temperate and cold shores of the<br />

iSTorth Pacific, and to similar climates in the Southern Hemisphere,<br />

where the larger proportion of tlie species are found. They are<br />

entirely absent from the North Atlantic shores. Mr. J. A. Allen,<br />

in his recent discussion of this family (Bull. Harvard Museum)<br />

divides them into the following genera :<br />

Otdria (1 species). Temperate South America, from Chili to<br />

La Plata; Callorhinus (1 species), Behring's Straits and Kams-<br />

chatka ; Ardocephalus (3 species), temperate regions of the<br />

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