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PDF - Wallace Online

PDF - Wallace Online


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caverns in many parts of Europe, and several extinct species<br />

have been found in Tertiary deposits in Europe, North India,<br />

and South America. Two species have been found so far back<br />

as the Eocene of France, but the fragments discovered are not<br />

sufficient to determine the characters with any certainty. In<br />

North America, several species of Canis occur in the Pliocene of<br />

Nebraska and La Plata. The genus Galecynus, of the Pliocene<br />

of Qi^ninghen, and Palmocyon, of the Brazilian caves, are sup-<br />

posed to belong to the Canidse. Ampldcyon abounded in the<br />

Miocene period, both in Europe and North America ; and some<br />

of the species were as large as a tiger. Other extinct genera<br />

are, Cynodidis, Cyotherium, and Qaldhylax, from the Eocene<br />

of France; Pseudocyon, Simocyon, and Hemicyon, from the<br />

Miocene ; but all these show transition characters to Viverridse<br />

or Ursidae, and do not perhaps belong to the present family.<br />

Family 29.—MUSTELID^. (21-28 Genera, 92 Species.)<br />

General Distribution.<br />

Neotropical Nearctic Pal;earctic Ethiopian Oriental Australian<br />

Sub-regions. Scb-regions. Sub-uegions. Sub-regions. Sdb-recions. Sub-regions.<br />

1.2.3 1 .2.3 —<br />

The Mustelidse constitute one of those groups which range<br />

over the whole of the great continental areas. They may be<br />

divided into three sub-families—one, the MustelinaB, containing<br />

the weasels, gluttons, and allied forms ; a second, the Lutrinas,<br />

containing the otters ; and a third, often considered a distinct<br />

family, the Melininse, containing the badgers, ratels, skunks,<br />

ami their allies.<br />

In the first group (Mustelinse) the genera Maries and<br />

Putorius (13 species), range over all the Palsearctic region, and a<br />

considerable part of the Oriental, extending through India to<br />

Ceylon, and to Java and Borneo. Two species of Maries<br />

{=Mustela of Baird) occur in the United States. The weasels,<br />

forming the genus Mustela (20 species), have a still wider range,<br />

extending into tropical Africa and the Cordilleras of Peru, but

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