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CHAP. XVII.] Mammalia. 223<br />

a very peculiar form more nearly allied to the buffaloes than<br />

to any other type of oxen.<br />

, Sub-family<br />

II. Tragelaphin^ (3 genera, 11 species). The<br />

Bovine Antelopes are large and handsome animals, mostly<br />

Ethiopian, but extending into the adjacent parts of the Palfe-<br />

arctic and Oriental regions. The genera are : Oreas (2 sp.),<br />

elands, inhabiting all Tropical and South Africa. Tragela-<br />

phus (8 sp.), including the bosch-bok, kudu, and other large<br />

antelopes, ranges over all Tropical and South Africa (Plate IV.,<br />

vol. ii., p. 261). Poftax (1 sp.) India, but rare in Madras and<br />

north of the Ganges.<br />

Sub-family III. Oeygin^ (2 genera, 5 species). Oryx (4 sp.) is<br />

a desert genus, ranging over all the African deserts to South<br />

Arabia and Syria ; Addax (1 sp.) inhabits North Africa, North<br />

Arabia, and Syria.<br />

Sub-family IV. HiPPOTEAGiNiE (1 genus, 3 species). The<br />

Sable Antelopes, Hippotragus, form an isolated group inhabiting<br />

the open country of Tropical Africa and south to the Cape.<br />

Sub-family V. Gazellin^ (6 genera, 23 species). This is<br />

a group of small or moderate-sized animals, most abundant in<br />

the deserts on the borders of the Palsearctic, Oriental, and<br />

Ethiopian regions. Gazella (17 sp.) is typically a Palsearctic<br />

desert group, ranging over the great desert plateaus of North<br />

Africa, from Senegal and Abyssinia to Syria, Persia, Beloo-<br />

chistan, and the plains of India, with one outlying species in<br />

South Africa. Procapra (2 sp.). Western Thibet and Mongolia<br />

to about 110° east longitude. Antilope (1 sp.) inhabits all the<br />

plains of India. JSpyceros (1 sp.) the pallah, inhabits the open<br />

country of South and South-east Africa. Saiga (1 sp.) a singular<br />

sheep-faced antelope, which inhabits the steppes of Eastern<br />

Europe and Western Asia from Poland to the Irtish Eiver,<br />

south of 55° north latitude. (Plate II., vol. i., p. 218.) Pan-<br />

tlmlops (1 sp.) confined to the highlands of Western Thibet and<br />

perhaps Turkestan.<br />

Sub-family VI. Antilocappjn^. (1 genus, 1 species), Antilo-<br />

capra, the prong-horned antelope, inhabit both sides of the<br />

Eocky Mountains, extending north to the Saskatchewan and

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