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The Vireonidse, or Greenlets, are a family of small fly-catching<br />

birds wholly restricted to the American continent, where they<br />

range from Paraguay to Canada. They are allied to the Mniotiltidse<br />

and perhaps also to the Australian Pachycephalidse. Only<br />

two of the genera, with about a dozen species, inhabit the<br />

Nearctic region. The distribution of the genera is as follows :<br />

Vireosylvia (13 sp.), Venezuela to Mexico, the Antilles, the<br />

Eastern States and Canada ;<br />

—<br />

Vireo (14 sp.). Central America and<br />

the Antilles to Canada ; Neochloe (1 sp.), Mexico ; Hylophilus<br />

(20 sp.), Brazil to Mexico ; Laletes (1 sp.), Jamaica ; Vireolanius<br />

(5 sp.), Amazonia to Mexico ; Cychlorhis (9 sp.), Paraguay to<br />

Mexico.<br />

Neotropical<br />

sub-reoions.<br />

Family 29.—AMPELID^. (4 Genera, 9 Species.)<br />

Nearctic<br />

Sub-regions.<br />

General Distribution.<br />

Pal^arctic<br />

Sub-regions.<br />

3 4<br />

Ethiopian<br />

Sub-regions.<br />

Oriental<br />

Sub-regions.<br />

Adstralian<br />

Sub-regions.<br />

The Ampelidse, represented in Europe by the waxwing, are a<br />

small family, characteristic of the Nearctic and Palsearctic regions,<br />

but extending southward to Costa Rica and the West<br />

Indian islands. The genera are distributed as follows :<br />

p39^ Am'pclis (3 sp.), the Palsearctic and Nearctic regions, and<br />

southward to Guatemala; Q^^'^) Ptilogonys (2 sp.), Central<br />

America ;<br />

Q^'^) Dulus (2 sp.). West Indian Islands ;<br />

pe;pla (1 sp.), Mexico and the Gila Valley.<br />

—<br />

Q-^^^) Phceno-<br />

Family 30.—HIRUNDINID^. ( 9 Genera, 91 Species.)<br />

Neotropical<br />

Sub-regions.<br />

General Distribution.

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