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256 GEOGRAPHICAL ZOOLOGY. [part iv.<br />

(Pycnonotidse), while one genus, usually placed in it {Myio'phonus)<br />

seems to agree better with Enicurus among the Cinclidse. The<br />

genera here admitted into the thrush family are the following, the<br />

numbers prefixed to some of the genera indicating their position<br />

in Gray's Hand List of the Genera and Species of Birds :—<br />

^1143^ Brachypteryx (8 sp.), Nepaul to Java and Ceylon (this<br />

may belong to the Timaliid^) ; Turdus (100 sp.) has the range of<br />

the whole family, abounding in the Palaearctic, Oriental and<br />

Neotropical regions, while it is less plentiful in the Nearctic<br />

and Ethiopian, and very scarce in the Australian; (^^^) Orcocincla<br />

(11 sp.), Pa]a?arctic and Oriental regions, Australia and Tas-<br />

mania ;<br />

(^*-) RJiodinocichla (1 sp.), Venezuela ;<br />

(1 sp.), Honduras ;<br />

(^*^) Melanoptila<br />

(^^"^ ^^^) Catliarus (10 sp.) Mexico to Equador ;<br />

^949 gso'^ Margarop>s (4 sp.), Hayti and Porto Eico to St. Lucia •<br />

^951^ j^csGcichla (1 sp.), Tristan d'Acunha; (^^^) GeocicUa (8 sp.),<br />

India to Formosa and Celebes, Timor and North Australia;<br />

^954 955^ Monticola (8 sp.). Central Europe to South Africa and to<br />

China, Philippine Islands, Gilolo and Java ;<br />

(^^^) Oroccetes (3 sp.),<br />

Himalayas and N. China ; Zoothera (3 sp.) Himalayas, Aracan,<br />

Java, and Lombok ; Mimus (20 sp.) Canada to Patagonia, West<br />

Indies and Galapagos ; i^"-) Oreoscoptes (1 sp.), Eocky Mountains<br />

and Mexico; (^^^) Melanotis (2 sp.), South Mexico and Guatemala<br />

(^*^*) Galeoscop)tes (1 sp.), Canada and Eastern United States to<br />

Cuba and Panama (^^^<br />

; ^ Mimocichla (5 sp.), Greater Antilles;<br />

^967 968^ Harporhjnchus (7 sp.). North America, from the great<br />

lakes to Mexico ; Cinclocerthia (3 sp.), Lesser Antilles ;<br />

(^'^)<br />

Rhampliocinclus (1 sp.). Lesser Antilles ; Cha;tops (3 sp.), South<br />

Africa; Cossypha = Bessonornis (15 sp.) Ethiopian region and<br />

Palestine,<br />

Neotropical<br />

sub-eegions.<br />

Family 2.—SYLVIID^. (74 Genera, 640 Species.)<br />

General Distribution.<br />


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