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352 GEOGRAPHICAL ZOOLOGY. [part iv.<br />

species ranging over half the globe. They are found in many re-<br />

mote islands ; and in some of these—as the Gallinula of Tristan<br />

d'Acunha, and the Notomis of Lord Howe's Island and New Zealand,—<br />

they have lost the power of flight. The classification of<br />

the Eallidse is not satisfactory, and the following enumeration of<br />

the genera must only be taken as affording a provisional sketch<br />

of the distribution of the group :<br />

—<br />

Rallus (18 sp.), Porzana (24 sp.), Gallinula (17 sp.), and<br />

Fulica (10 sp.), have a world-wide range ; Ortygometra (1 sp.),<br />

ranges over the whole North Temperate zone ; Porphyrio (14 sp.),<br />

is more especially Oriental and Australian, but occurs also in<br />

South America, in Africa, and in South Europe ; Eulabeornis<br />

(15 sp.), is Ethiopian, Malayan, and Australian ; Himantornis (1<br />

sp.), is West African only ; Aramides (24 sp.), is North and<br />

South American ; Rallina (16 sp.), is Oriental, but ranges east-<br />

ward to Papua ; Habroptila (1 sp.), is confined to the Moluccas<br />

Pareudiastes (1 sp.), the Samoa Islands ; Tribonyx (4 sp.), is<br />

Australian, and has recently been found also in New Zealand<br />

Ocydromus (4 sp.) ; Notomis (2 sp.), (Plate XIII. Vol. I. p. 455) ;<br />

and Cabalus (1 sp.), are peculiar to the New Zealand group.<br />

The sub-family, Heliornithinse (sometimes classed as a distinct<br />

family) consists of 2 genera, Heliornis (1 sp.), confined to the<br />

Neotropical region ; and Podica (4 sp.), the Ethiopian region ex-<br />

cluding Madagascar, and with a species (perhaps forming mother<br />

genus) in Borneo.<br />

Extinct Ballidce.—Remains of some species of this family have<br />

been found in the Mascarene Islands, and historical evidence<br />

shows that they have perhaps been extinct little more than a<br />

century. They belong to the genus Fulica, and to two extinct<br />

genera, Aphanapteryx and Erytlironiachus. The Aphanaptcryx<br />

was a large bird of a reddish colour, with loose plumage, and<br />

perhaps allied to Ocydromus. Erythromachus was much smaller,<br />

of a grey-and-white colour, and is said to have lived chiefly on<br />

the eggs of the land-tortoises. (See lUs, 1869, p. 256 ; and<br />

Proc. Zool. Soc, 1875, p. 40.)<br />


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