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CHAP. XXI.] INSECTS. 501<br />

sub-regions. Many of these, it is true, consist of single species<br />

confined to a single island, and we will not lay any stress on<br />

these ;<br />

but there are also several important groups, which extend<br />

over the Indo-Malay or the Austro-Malay islands only, stopping<br />

abruptly at the dividing-line between them. For example, on<br />

the Indo-Malay side we have Euryarthrum, Leprodcra, Aris-<br />

tobia, Coelosterna, and Entelopes, and what is perhaps even more<br />

satisfactory, the large genera Agelasta and Astathes, abundant in<br />

all the Indo-Malay islands, but having only one or two species<br />

just passing the boundary into Celebes. On the other side we have<br />

Tethionea, Sphingnotus, Arrhenotus, Tmesisternus (the last three<br />

genera abounding from New Guinea to Celebes, but totally<br />

unknown further west), Hestima, Trigonoptera, AmUymmxi, Ste-<br />

silea, Enes, and the large genus Micracautha, with but a single<br />

species beyond the boundary,—30 Austro-Malayan genera in all,<br />

each found in more than one island, but none of them extending<br />

west of Celebes. Here we have clear proof that the boundary<br />

line between the two great regions exists for Longicorns, as well<br />

as for all other animals ; but in this case an unusually large<br />

number have been able to get across it. This, however, does not<br />

abolish the barrier, but only proves that it is not absolutely effect-<br />

ual in all cases. Those Who maintain that the Malay Archi-<br />

pelago forms a single Coleopterous region, must disprove or<br />

explain the instances of limited range here adduced.<br />

Out of nearly 1500 known genera of these insects, only one<br />

genus, Clytns, appears to be cosmopolitan. Saperda and CalUchroma<br />

aie the only others that perhaps occur in every region ; but<br />

these are both wanting over wide tracts of the earth's surface,<br />

Sap)erda being absent from Tropical Africa and the Malay Archi-<br />

pelago ;<br />

and Callichroma from the Australian region, except one<br />

species in Polynesia. Many of the genera of Longicorns have a<br />

somewhat wide and scattered distribution, indicative of decadence<br />

or great antiquity. Mallodon and Parandra are mostly South<br />

American, but have species in Australia and Africa ; Oeme is<br />

found in Brazil and the United States, with one species in West<br />

Africa ;<br />

Ceratopliorus has 2 species in West Africa and 1 in New<br />

Zealand. Xystrocera is mostly African, but has single species in

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