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Indissolubility 103<br />

stronger than any other. After conquering Normandy and other<br />

domains of King John of England, in 1204 Philip stood alone in<br />

terms of power. Innocent showed a conciliatory spirit by legitimating<br />

Philip’s children by his mistress. The tone and intensity of his<br />

pressure on Philip varied with the configurations of church power<br />

politics. But nothing would make Innocent actually dissolve the<br />

There is more to be said about the Danish side of the crisis, and Frederik<br />

Pedersen has this in hand. Though he emphasizes Denmark’s influence more, our<br />

positions are not far apart. In a personal communication he agrees ‘that the case<br />

could never have ended in a victory for Philip. Innocent was far too committed to<br />

the consensual theory of marriage and too clever a politician to fall for the rather<br />

lame excuses Philip presented as reasons for his wish for the dissolution of his<br />

marriage to Ingeborg’.<br />

Of this, Georges Duby wrote that ‘the most important consideration for Rome<br />

was the increase in power that might accrue to it from the ascension to the French<br />

throne of a bastard legitimized by the pope’ (Medieval Marriage, 78). This is an<br />

instance of Duby’s tendency to over-explain. The desire to please Philip at that<br />

critical time is a sucient explanation. Anyway, it was not as if legitimation could<br />

be withdrawn, so it would not have given a future pope much of a hold over a<br />

future king who might not inherit anyway (and did not: in the event, Philip’s son by<br />

a previous marriage to a wife who had died succeeded him as Louis VIII). Again,<br />

what of the power that would have accrued to Rome from the marriage of the king to<br />

a mistress turned into a queen by the pope’s decision? Such arguments are shadowboxing<br />

either way: with a scholar of Duby’s fame and a widely read work like this<br />

the danger is that some people might assume that there is positive evidence.<br />

This led a nineteenth-century historian of the case to think that Innocent III’s<br />

overriding priorities were political: ‘zu einem sofortigen energischen Vorgehen,<br />

wie er es gegen einen minder m•achtigen F•ursten in dieser Zeit •ubte, mochte sich<br />

Innocenz gegen den K•onig von Frankreich bei der unklaren Lage der Dinge im<br />

Reich, die ihm gute Beziehungen zu Philipp wertvoll machen mu¢ten, doch nicht<br />

entschlie¢en k•onnen’ (R. Davidsohn, Philipp II. August von Frankreich und Ingeborg<br />

(Stuttgart, 1888), 71); ‘mu¢te sich eine Angelegenheit geistlichen Zwanges, in der<br />

es nur gegolten h•atte, die moralische Hoheit des apostolischen Amtes zur Geltung<br />

zu bringen, mit den Interessen weltlicher Politik des Papsttums kreuzen, mu¢te<br />

sie durch diese bestimmt und vielfach gehemmt werden. Wo die Pflicht des Oberhirten<br />

schnelles Einschreiten gefordert h•atte, erheischte das Interesse politischer<br />

Machtstellung kluges Abwarten’ (ibid. 74–5). Davidsohn did not grasp that, for<br />

Innocent, indissolubility was a value not up for negotiation, whereas such matters<br />

of timing, tone, and sanctions were the objects of instrumental calculation. Innocent<br />

had a ‘Verantwortlichkeitsethik’ anchored in some fixed values rather than a ‘Gesinnungsethik’<br />

which would have compelled him to treat each decision as an absolute<br />

moral imperative. For a better insight into Innocent’s mind see R. H. Tenbrock,<br />

Eherecht und Ehepolitik bei Innocenz III. (doctoral dissertation for the University of<br />

M•unster; Dortmund-H•orde, [1933?]), 99: ‘es kennzeichnet die Gr•o¢e dieses Papstes<br />

und Staatsmannes, da¢ er im Grunde niemals bewu¢t von dem Wege des Rechts<br />

abwich. Er verlangsamte wohl den Schritt auf diesem steilen und rauhen Wege, um<br />

Ausschau zu halten nach Nebenpfaden, die ihn zwar nicht vom Ziele wegf•uhrten,<br />

aber ihm gestatteten, manchen Vorteil f•ur die Kirche zu erlangen. Das bedeutete<br />

freilich oft ein Zur•uckweichen vor den Schwierigkeiten und eine Angst, gewisse<br />

•au¢ere Erfolge, Erfolge des Politikers, des Mannes, der der Welt “zugewandt” ist,

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