A dictionary of Manga, a Kanuri language of Eastern ... - Roger Blench

A dictionary of Manga, a Kanuri language of Eastern ... - Roger Blench

A dictionary of Manga, a Kanuri language of Eastern ... - Roger Blench


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kòkkó<br />

kòndó<br />

kòkkó n. *last sewing <strong>of</strong> millet.<br />

kòkkòdò n. small snail with white round shell.<br />

kòkkòðúwú nv2. lock up; padlock. syn: ndaməkki? kòkkògəḱkì kòkkòjíyì v.t.<br />

kòkkòjí n. Red-beaked Hornbill. Tockus erythrorhynchus.<br />

kôkkólà n. 1) tearing stitches apart; stitch-ripper. 2)<br />

kòkkòré n. crow (cock).<br />

kókó 1) n. padlock; bolt. 2)<br />

— n. *type <strong>of</strong> gruel. 3)<br />

— n. toad; frog.<br />

kókóyòràm n.<br />

kóktú ; kòktà. nv2. kóngə̀kkì kókcì v.t. 1) plant (e.g. a tree); transplant. 2) drive into ground (e.g. a stake).<br />

fǝ̂r kòktà; trim hooves. 3) *prevent s.o. escaping by using <strong>of</strong> magic.<br />

kòktú nv2. peck (hen); peck at (<strong>of</strong> birds). kòkcî v.intr.<br />

kók kók kòktú ideo. hen pecks grain by grain. v.intr.<br />

kól ideo. see: báktú.<br />

kòlámá n. *desire to take or receive to excess. syn: tə̀mâ.<br />

kòlámámà n.<br />

kólðú ; kòlðà. nv2. kóllə̀kkì kóljì v.t. 1) squeeze out (pus). 2) strike hard. syn: kúlóktú.<br />

kòlðú nv2. kòlləḱkì kòljî v 1) leave.<br />

dír kòlgáðà ideo. *abandoned. 2) release. 3) divorce. 4) desist from; cease.<br />

tók kòlðú ideo. stop suddenly. 5) allow; permit. kolsəne wua leave me alone!<br />

kólè n. itinerant trading. syn: fétké, tàllà.<br />

kólèmà n. itinerant trader. syn: fétkémà, tàllàmà.<br />

kòlékòlè n. dugout; canoe. syn: kóróníkóróní.<br />

kólérá n. cholera.<br />

kóljì n. peanut. (arachis hypogaea).<br />

kóljì bə̀rrá n. *peanuts grilled in juice <strong>of</strong> dum palm.<br />

kóljì ìngìyá n. peanut whose leaves haven't grown.<br />

kóljì màndá n. salted peanuts.<br />

kòljìrám n. *field <strong>of</strong> peanuts; place where one sells peanuts.<br />

kòljìkòljí n. *plant which resembles a peanut plant.<br />

kólkólðú ; kòlkòlðà. nv2. kólkóllə̀kkì kólkóljì v.t. 1) tap sharply on a hard surface. 2) prod or urge s.o. to<br />

do s.t. stupid or irrational. 3) nag; talk s.o. into doing s.t. stupid.<br />

kòlkòlðú nv2. simmer.<br />

kólló n. very small drum beaten with one or two sticks and making a loud rattling noise, usu on the ground<br />

and is typical <strong>of</strong> small drum orchestras.<br />

kóllómà n. *peron who beats the small drum.<br />

kóllóðúwú ; kòllòðàà. nv2. tie up loose end <strong>of</strong> s.t. kóllógə̀kkì kóllójìyì v.t.<br />

kòlòkòló n. 1) *child who has lost one or several <strong>of</strong> his elder siblings, signified by leaving several tufts <strong>of</strong><br />

hair on his head. syn: búdúkòlò. 2) plait hanging down side <strong>of</strong> face for 'kəlayakku' hairstyle.<br />

kólól n. tree. (acacia senegal).<br />

kòlòrám ; kuloram? n. 1) horse's ho<strong>of</strong>. 2) ho<strong>of</strong>-mark (horse).<br />

kòltâ n.< E. 1) coal tar. 2) paved road.<br />

kólwá n. < H. 1) glass jar. 2) bottle. syn: bútàɽí, gàsásà, jùlûmà.<br />

kólwóɽì n. blister; pimple.<br />

kôm n. 1) *calculation. syn: ìsáwù. 2) *project. ku kom léiraro léji!<br />

kòmbâ n. convoy.<br />

kómbóɽí n. adventurer; itinerant market trader. syn: sàßə̀rmá.<br />

kòmðú nv2. count. syn: bàlàstú, ìsàptú, kàdàrðú, tàmìstú. kòmməḱkì kòmjî v.t.<br />

kómóshò n. escort.<br />

kòmsàriâ n. police station. < Fr.<br />

kòmsêr n. police superintendent. < Fr.<br />

kòndó n. large round rigid loosely woven basket.<br />

21/11/2007 <strong>Manga</strong> — English Dictionary 87

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