ICMCTF 2012! - CD-Lab Application Oriented Coating Development

ICMCTF 2012! - CD-Lab Application Oriented Coating Development

ICMCTF 2012! - CD-Lab Application Oriented Coating Development


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12:00pm C1-1-7 The deposition of metal oxide coatings for electrocatalytic<br />

and photo-active applications by closed field unbalanced<br />

magnetron sputter ion plating, X. Zhang (xiaoling.zhang@miba.com), K.<br />

Cooke, Teer <strong>Coating</strong>s Limited, Miba <strong>Coating</strong> Group, UK, G. Eitzinger,<br />

High Tech <strong>Coating</strong>s GmbH, Miba <strong>Coating</strong> Group, Austria, J. Hampshire, Z.<br />

Zhang, Teer <strong>Coating</strong>s Limited, Miba <strong>Coating</strong> Group, UK<br />

Metallic oxides coatings, for example, TiO2, are of increasing technological<br />

importance in a wide range of industrially relevant functional surfaces on<br />

components for the renewable energy sector, including the hydrogen<br />

economy. Reactive closed field unbalanced magnetron sputter ion plating<br />

(CFUBMSIP) provides an effective, industrially-compatible processing<br />

route for the deposition of metallic oxides, with controlled composition,<br />

structure, and mechanical, electronic and optical properties.<br />

The current development of TiO2-based CFUBMSIP coatings for<br />

applications is described, including the electrolytic production of hydrogen<br />

(water-splitting - from both direct UV and visible light photo-activity, and<br />

via conventional electrolysis), photo-voltaics (PV) with long-life and low<br />

cost, and photo-catalytic surfaces with anti-microbial properties.<br />

The optical band gaps of the anatase and rutile TiO2 phases result in<br />

excellent optical transmittance in the visible and near infra-red regions.<br />

Stoichiometric TiO2 is also a good dielectric has a high refractive index.<br />

Ultraviolet (UV) light has an energy higher than the band gap (Eg) of TiO2,<br />

resulting in electron-hole pair generation. If such excited electrons or holes<br />

can diffuse to the TiO2 surface they can induce the formation of different<br />

kinds of radicals or ions (and, for example promote the splitting of water<br />

molecules, generating hydrogen and oxygen, or degrading or destroying<br />

biological matter, creating an antimicrobial surface), or the separated charge<br />

carriers can sustain an electrical current (as in a PV device). The intensity of<br />

visible light in the solar spectrum is around 9x that of the UV light<br />

responsible for the photo-activity of TiO2. An efficient process of doping,<br />

e.g. the introduction of nitrogen, carbon or iron etc. into TiO2 can narrow<br />

the band gap and thus shift the coatings optical response from UV to visible<br />

light.<br />

Well crystallised anatase or rutile-phase TiO2 structures will be critical for<br />

the PV cell application. Deliberately increasing the surface area of the thin<br />

film coatings can enhance efficiency in the PV application by increasing the<br />

absorption of optical radiation, and in electrolytic applications by increasing<br />

the density of active sites within a given area.<br />

The production of well crystallised TiO2 thin films by the reactive<br />

CFUBMSIP process is described. Process parameters, including Ar/O2<br />

ratio, heating, and elemental doping have been investigated systematically.<br />

The effects of various dopants, including N, Fe and Mn on the band gap of<br />

TiO2 and the functional properties of the thin films are discussed, as is the<br />

potential for further optimization industrial scale-up.<br />

Fundamentals and Technology of Multifunctional Thin<br />

Films: Towards Optoelectronic Device <strong>Application</strong>s<br />

Room: Tiki Pavilion - Session C2-1/F4-1<br />

Thin Films for Photovoltaics and Active Devices:<br />

Synthesis and Characterization<br />

Moderator: T. Terasako, Graduate School of Science and<br />

Engineering, Ehime University, Japan, M. Cremona,<br />

Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro<br />

10:00am C2-1/F4-1-1 The Degradation of TixN1-x/HfO2 p-channel<br />

MOSFETs under Hot Carrier Stress, J.Y. Tsai<br />

(abc_7736@hotmail.com), National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan<br />

This work investigates the hot carrier (HC) effect in HfO2/TixN1-x p-channel<br />

metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors (p-MOSFETs).<br />

Generally, the sub-threshold swing (S.S) should increase during HC stress,<br />

since the interface states near drain will be generated under high electric<br />

field due to drain voltage (VD). However, the experimental data exhibits the<br />

S.S decreases under HC stress and the degradation level is dependent on the<br />

concentration of nitrogen in stack gate (TiXN1-X). Besides, the reduction of<br />

threshold voltage (Vth) illustrates the electrons trap in HfO2 layer under HC<br />

stress. This behavior could be attributed to increase in the entire capacitance<br />

due to electron trapping in HfO2 bulk, improving S.S. Furthermore, the C-V<br />

measurement with high and low frequency could detect the defects which<br />

approach HfO2 layer, evidencing the trapping pheromone in this work.<br />

Monday Morning, April 23, <strong>2012</strong> 4<br />

10:20am C2-1/F4-1-2 Investigation of Random Telegraph Signal with<br />

High-K/Metal Gate MOSFETs, C.E. Chen (alien_2366@hotmail.com),<br />

National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan<br />

A novel method, called random telegraphy signal (RTS), was constructed to<br />

characterize the gate oxide quality and reliability of metal-oxidesemiconductor<br />

field-effect-transistors (MOSFETs). With the aggressive<br />

scaling of device size, drain current RTS (Id RTS) become a critical role in<br />

carrier transport of MOSFETs. Besides, RTS in gate leakage current (Ig<br />

RTS) was denoted as the other new method to understand property of gate<br />

oxide. Recently, the study of RTS has also been made in MOSFETs with<br />

high dielectric constant and metal gate (high-k/metal gate). However, the<br />

RTS in high-k/metal gate MOSFETs, which is related to hot carrier stress<br />

(HCS), has not previously been studied yet. This paper investigates the<br />

mechanism of HCS in high-k/metal gate MOSFETs and provides a<br />

fundamental physical model.<br />

10:40am C2-1/F4-1-3 Enhancement of Resistive Switching<br />

Characteristics in SiO2-based RRAM by High Temperature Forming<br />

Process, Y.T. Chen (d983090005@student.nsysu.edu.tw), National Sun<br />

Yat-Sen University, Taiwan<br />

Forming process with current compliance (soft break-down) is necessary to<br />

activate the resistive switching behavior for most of the resistance random<br />

access memory (ReRAM). Due to the rich oxygen ions among SiO2 film,<br />

the amount of mobile oxygen ions induced from forming process would<br />

exceed the reserving ability of TiN oxygen reservoir as the thickness of<br />

SiO2 films are too thick. The exceeding mobile oxygen ions will recombine<br />

with the oxygen vacancies in the SiO2 film near the TiN/SiO2 interface and<br />

result in forming fail. Through executing high temperature forming process<br />

(HTF), it improves the forming process by enhancing the amount of mobile<br />

oxygen ions being drove into TiN electrode. Furthermore, the increased<br />

mobile oxygen ions can extra repair the conductive filament and reach<br />

lower off-current during the reset process that has undergone HTF for<br />

activation.<br />

11:00am C2-1/F4-1-4 The Impact of Strain on Gate-Induced Floating<br />

Body Effect for PD SOI p-MOSFETs, W.H. Lo, T.C. Chang<br />

(tcchang@mail.phys.nsysu.edu.tw), C.H. Dai, NSYSU, Taiwan<br />

This work studies the influence of gate induced-floating body effect<br />

(GIFBE) on negative bias temperature instability (NBTI) in strained partial<br />

depleted silicon-on-insulator p-type metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect<br />

transistors (PD SOI p-MOSFETs). The experimental results indicate GIFBE<br />

causes a reduction in the electrical oxide field, leading to a better NBTI<br />

reliability under FB operation. The electron accumulation in the FB can be<br />

partially attributed to the electrons tunneling from the process-induced<br />

partial n+ poly gate. However, based on different operation conditions, we<br />

found the dominant origin of electrons was strongly dependent on holes in<br />

the inversion layer under source/drain grounding. This suggests that the<br />

mechanism of GIFBE at higher voltages is dominated by our proposed<br />

anode electron injection (AEI) model. Moreover, based on this new model,<br />

the mechanical compressive strained operation was further introduced to the<br />

SOI p-MOSFET. It was found that the strained device under FB operation<br />

exhibits a much less NBTI degradation. This behavior can be attributed to<br />

the fact that more electrons accumulation induced by strain effect reduces<br />

the electric oxide field during NBTI stress.<br />

11:20am C2-1/F4-1-5 Plasma deposited ZnO layers for thin film<br />

photovoltaics: synthesis, characterization and growth mechanism, M.<br />

Creatore (m.creatore@tue.nl), Eindhoven University of Technology,<br />

Netherlands INVITED<br />

Due to their wide band gap, transparent conductive oxides ( TCOs) exhibit a<br />

high transparency in the solar spectral range. Therefore, they are used as<br />

transparent electrodes in many applications, e.g. in flat panel displays,<br />

architectural and automotive glazing, solar thermal applications and thin<br />

film solar cells, either (amorphous/micro-crystalline and poly-crystalline)<br />

silicon- or non-silicon based (e.g. CIGS).<br />

In this contribution, the investigation on low pressure plasma-enhanced<br />

chemical vapor deposition (PE-CVD) of poly-crystalline (Al-doped) zinc<br />

oxide layers serving as TCOs in thin film solar cells, is addressed. An<br />

argon- fed expanding thermal plasma where the deposition precursors<br />

(diethylzinc, trimethylaluminum and oxygen) are fed in the downstream<br />

region is used for the deposition of Al- doped ZnO. The presented studies<br />

will highlight the impact of specific plasma and process parameters on the<br />

ZnO:Al nucleation phase, grain development (in terms of crystallographic<br />

orientation and size) and morphological and electrical properties, coupled to<br />

specific demands in thin film solar cell technology, i.e. in terms of band<br />

gap, conductivity and morphology/texturing.<br />

In particular, selected insights will be presented in research areas, where a<br />

multi-diagnostic approach is adopted in order to investigate:

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