ICMCTF 2012! - CD-Lab Application Oriented Coating Development

ICMCTF 2012! - CD-Lab Application Oriented Coating Development

ICMCTF 2012! - CD-Lab Application Oriented Coating Development


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2:30pm TS1-1-3 Surface engineering for improved thermal transport<br />

at metal/carbon interfaces, S.V. Shenogin, UES/Air Force Research<br />

<strong>Lab</strong>oratory, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Thermal Sciences<br />

and Materials Branch, US, J.J. Gengler, Spectral Energies, LLC/Air Force<br />

Research <strong>Lab</strong>oratory, Thermal Sciences and Materials Branch, US, J.J. Hu,<br />

J.E. Bultman, UDRI/Air Force Research <strong>Lab</strong>oratory, Thermal Sciences and<br />

Materials Branch, US, A.N. Reed, A. Voevodin, A.K. Roy, C. Muratore<br />

(chris.muratore@wpafb.af.mil), Air Force Research <strong>Lab</strong>oratory, Materials<br />

and Manufacturing Directorate, Thermal Sciences and Materials Branch,<br />

US<br />

Carbon nanotubes are appealing for diverse thermal management<br />

applications due to their high thermal conductivity (as high as 3,000 W m-1<br />

K-1) coupled with interesting mechanical properties (super-strong, but also<br />

exhibiting foam-like deformation in CNT arrays). Unfortunately, CNT<br />

surfaces are generally non-reactive and demonstrate weak bonding to other<br />

materials, limiting thermal interfacial conduction. To better understand the<br />

nature of interfacial resistance in carbon nanotubes, modeling and<br />

experimental studies investigating engineered interfaces on highly oriented<br />

pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) substrates were conducted. This substrate was<br />

selected as a practical 2-dimensioinal analog for nanotube sidewalls to<br />

facilitate modeling and experimentation, however there are differences<br />

between HOPG and CNTs which are addressed in simulations to account<br />

for differences in metal-carbon interfaces. Measurements of thermal<br />

conductance at these interfaces were made by analysis of the two-color time<br />

domain thermoreflectance (TDTR) data from the samples. The TDTR<br />

analysis of the different metals on HOPG was made possible by having an<br />

optical parametric oscillator on the probe beam which allows for tuning the<br />

probe beam wavelength to match absorption bands for each metal studied.<br />

Metal films were selected to identify effects of atomic mass, chemical<br />

interactions (i.e., interfacial carbide formation) and electron configuration.<br />

Measurements of chemically “inert” metals at the carbon interface,<br />

including Al, Cu and Au demonstrated a strong dependence on Debye<br />

temperature, with conductance values differing by a factor of 3. For metals<br />

known to exhibit in situ formation of an interfacial carbide layer when in<br />

contact with a carbon substrate, such as titanium and boron, conductance<br />

values were roughly a factor of 4 higher than for inert metals. The effects of<br />

thermal formation of interfacial carbide layers with varied areal densities on<br />

HOPG surfaces on thermal conductance were also examined, in addition to<br />

metal interlayers specifically selected for acoustic matching to other<br />

materials, as in a composite structure. This work is supported by AFOSR<br />

Low Density Materials Program, Task #2306CR7P.<br />

2:50pm TS1-1-4 Heat flow across heterojunctions: Toward useful<br />

nanoscale thermal interface materials, T.S. Fisher<br />

(tsfisher@purdue.edu), S.L. Hodson, A. Kumar, Purdue University, US, A.<br />

Voevodin, Air Force Research <strong>Lab</strong>oratory, US INVITED<br />

Improved understanding of thermal energy transport at nanometer scales<br />

has enabled a broad range of technological advances in recent years. Today,<br />

new materials can be designed at the atomic level and are projected to<br />

improve the efficiency of information processing, heat transfer, and energy<br />

conversion, among other applications relevant to aerospace vehicles and<br />

systems. For the transfer of energy by phonons, approaches based on<br />

atomistic Green’s functions have been recently developed and offer the<br />

possibility of including atomic-scale detail at material interfaces, while<br />

mesoscopic scales can be modeled with the particle-based Boltzmann<br />

transport equation. This review will summarize a framework for the<br />

inclusion of such high-fidelity atomistic modeling within multi-scale<br />

modeling tools that are needed to understand complex interfacial transport<br />

processes and scaling principles in thermal interface materials enhanced<br />

with carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Experimental validation and refinement on<br />

model components is essential to this work, and includes highly localized<br />

techniques such as transient thermoreflectance techniqes, as well as<br />

traditional 1D reference bar approaches to assess overall performance. As<br />

an example of recent work, we briefly describe critical results related to<br />

contact resistance measurements with CNT arrays and other graphene-based<br />

structures. The talk will conclude with enumeration of important questions<br />

related to heterojunction bonding and materials processing for scaled-up<br />

manufacturing.<br />

3:30pm TS1-1-6 Factorial increases in interfacial thermal conductance<br />

using a monolayer, P. O'Brien (obriep3@rpi.edu), S.V. Shenogin, J. Liu,<br />

M. Yamaguchi, P. Keblinski, G. Ramanath, Rensselaer Polytechnic<br />

Institute, US<br />

Manipulating interfacial thermal transport is a compelling need for a<br />

number of technologies including nanoelectronics and biomedical devices,<br />

solid-state lighting, energy generation, nanocomposites, and device<br />

packaging. Here, we demonstrate that introducing a strongly-bonding<br />

organic nanomolecular monolayer (NML) at a metal-dielectric interface<br />

leads to a factor of four increase in the interfacial thermal conductance to<br />

values as high as 450 MW/m 2 -K. Molecular dynamics simulation and a<br />

vibrational analysis of NML-tailored interfaces verify that this remarkable<br />

interfacial conductance enhancement is due to strong NML-silica and<br />

NML-metal bonding. The strong overlap of broadband low-frequency<br />

vibrational states at the interface further facilitates efficient heat transfer<br />

through the molecules comprising the NML. These results provide a<br />

rational means of increasing heterointerfacial thermal conductance through<br />

molecular functionalization with adhesion-enhancing functional groups for<br />

a wide variety of material systems and applications.<br />

3:50pm TS1-1-7 Ruthenium organometallic complexes with photoswitchable<br />

wettability for boiling heat transfer applications, N. Hunter<br />

(chad.hunter@wpafb.af.mil), Air Force Research <strong>Lab</strong>oratory, Materials and<br />

Manufacturing Directorate, Thermal Sciences and Materials Branch, US, B.<br />

Turner, Universal Technology Corporation, US, R. Glavin, Air Force<br />

Research <strong>Lab</strong>oratory, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Thermal<br />

Sciences and Materials Branch, US, M. Jespersen, University of Dayton<br />

Research Institute, US, M. Check, S. Putnam, Universal Technology<br />

Corporation, US, A. Voevodin, Air Force Research <strong>Lab</strong>oratory, Materials<br />

and Manufacturing Directorate, Thermal Sciences and Materials Branch,<br />

US<br />

Liquid to vapor phase change technology utilizing latent heat of<br />

vaporization, which can have heat transfer rates orders of magnitude higher<br />

than single phase liquid cooling, is necessary for advanced aircraft due to<br />

the onboard heat generated by high power (electrical and chemical)<br />

components. The wettability of engineered surfaces used in these cooling<br />

systems, in addition to other parameters such as surface roughness, is<br />

strongly correlated to the performance of the heat exchanger systems that<br />

use these materials. In addition to optimizing performance using passive<br />

means (e.g., surface texturing), it would also be advantageous to control<br />

heat transfer rates using applied stimuli (e.g., light or sound waves), which<br />

could result in weight savings and/or energy optimization. Oxide<br />

photocatalysts have been investigated to influence boiling performance on<br />

surfaces 1 , but time scales for switching between wettability states are on the<br />

order of tens of minutes to hours, much longer than for practical use to<br />

control boiling processes. In previous work, synthesis of<br />

[Ru(bpy)2(pox)]Cl2, an organometallic complex which undergoes reversible<br />

photo-isomerization that changes the inherent water affinity of the<br />

molecule, was achieved 2 . In the current research, new ruthenium-centered<br />

organometallic complexes with functionalized bipyridine (bpy) ligands are<br />

synthesized. The functionalization allows the Ru complexes to be<br />

covalently tethered to metallic substrates. Surface chemistry is investigated<br />

with XPS, indicating a character of the bonding linkage, which is then<br />

correlated with contact angle measurements of the surface energy<br />

modification with and without UV-VIS light irradiation. Water boiling heat<br />

transfer studies during UV-VIS light irradiation are conducted on these<br />

samples and correlated with the reversible switching of surface wetting.<br />

1<br />

Takata, et al., International Journal of Chemistry Research, 2003.<br />

2<br />

D.B. Turner, et al., Inorganic Chemistry, in preparation.<br />

4:10pm TS1-1-8 From hard coatings to thermoelectrics: effects of<br />

nanostructure on fundamental physical properties of transition metal<br />

nitride, oxide, and oxynitride thin film alloys, B.M. Howe<br />

(brandonhowe@gmail.com), Air Force Research <strong>Lab</strong>oratory, US<br />

Recent advances in aerospace and defense technologies have lead to an<br />

increasing need to develop novel materials with exotic physical properties<br />

for use in a variety of applications involving extreme, high-temperature,<br />

high mechanical stress, and oxidizing environments. Transition metal<br />

nitrides (TMN), oxides, and oxynitrides are well known to have remarkable<br />

range of unique physical properties including high hardness and mechanical<br />

strength, high melting temperatures (>>2000 °C), and tunable opticalelectronic<br />

properties. One method to further enhance the physical properties<br />

of many binary transition metal nitrides is to alloy them with a second<br />

thermodynamically immiscible nitride to form metastable compounds with<br />

enhanced physical properties. Many of these properties are accompanied by<br />

the formation of nanoscale compositional modulations during film growth<br />

as well as post annealing experiments, however, very little has been<br />

reported on the ability to control this nanostructure, and as a result, the<br />

effects of these nanostructures on fundamental physical properties is<br />

relatively unknown.<br />

Nanostructuring methods using these kinetically-limited growth techniques<br />

involving high-flux low-energy ion bombardment during film growth, lead<br />

to a unique independent control of both electric and thermal transport. The<br />

right materials system, combined with said growth techniques, would allow<br />

for the realization of hard, chemically inert, environmentally-friendly, and<br />

refractory thermal-to-electrical energy conversion thin films materials to<br />

tackle a variety of demanding defense applications.<br />

I have used Hf1-xAlxN as a model system to study the nanostructures of<br />

interest. I begin by reporting on the effects of nanostructure on the optical,<br />

electronic, thermal transport and elastic constant properties of Hf1-xAlxN<br />

69 Wednesday Afternoon, April 25, <strong>2012</strong>

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