ICMCTF 2012! - CD-Lab Application Oriented Coating Development

ICMCTF 2012! - CD-Lab Application Oriented Coating Development

ICMCTF 2012! - CD-Lab Application Oriented Coating Development


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3 [http://www.mrl.uiuc.edu/], [http://www.uiuc.edu/],104 S. Goodwin<br />

Avenue, [http://www.city.urbana.il.us/Urbana/], IL 61801, USA<br />

A unique self-organized nanostructure is reported for (Zr0.64Al0.36)N thin<br />

films that forms during reactive magnetron sputter deposition from<br />

elemental targets on MgO(001) substrates. HRTEM and EDX/STEM<br />

imaging shows that it consists of a nanolabyrinth of alternating ZrN-rich<br />

and AlN-rich lamellae along the MgO in plane directions, with<br />

typical width of a 4 nm and that extends throughout the film thickness.<br />

According to ab-initio calculations, a significantly higher solid solution<br />

mixing enthalpy of c-Zr0.6Al0.4N (∆H=0.392 eV/f.u), compared to c-<br />

Ti0.6Al0.4N (∆H 0.178 eV/f.u) results in a comparatively higher driving force<br />

for isostructural decomposition in ZrAlN during secondary phase<br />

transformation on post annealing. Growth kinetics and pseudomorphic<br />

epitaxial forces also effects the segregation to occur during growth.<br />

The phase segregation is studied in 1.5 µm thick (Zr0.64Al0.36)N films grown<br />

at different temperatures between 500-900 °C. It is shown that a maximum<br />

hardness of ~38 GPa is associated with a nano-labyrinthine nanostructure<br />

that forms at higher temperatures. The ZrN/AlN phase separation is<br />

complete at 900°C. The ZrN rich platelets retain the original B1 NaCl<br />

structure with cube on cube epitaxy with the MgO substrate, whereas the<br />

AlN-rich regions transform to wurtzite. The geometrical arrangement and<br />

the mutual relationships of the two phases on decomposition will be<br />

presented with respect to the growth temperatur<br />

9:00am B5-1-4 Wear/erosion behavior of TiN-based nanocomposite<br />

coatings on SS304 and a synchrotron radiation assisted coating failure<br />

investigation, Y. Li (yul088@mail.usask.ca), Q. Yang, A. Hirose,<br />

University of Saskatchewan, Canada, R. Wei, Southwest Research Institute,<br />

US<br />

Thick TiN and a series of TiN-based nanocomposite coatings have been<br />

deposited on SS304 substrates using a plasma enhanced magnetron<br />

sputtering technique. The morphology, microstructures were characterized<br />

by SEM, AFM and XRD. The mechanical properties are measured by<br />

indentation testings (Rc, micro- and nanoindentations). The tribological<br />

performances were evaluated by solid particle erosion testing and pin-ondisk<br />

wear testing. The results reveal that the hard coatings imposed have<br />

significantly improved the tribological properties of the bare steel<br />

substrates. A preliminary synchrotron radiation-based analysis was further<br />

performed to track the microstructure and composition changes and stress<br />

state distribution in the damaged coatings after tribological testing. The<br />

coating failure mechanism was discussed.<br />

9:20am B5-1-5 Erosion Mechanisms of Hard Nanocomposite <strong>Coating</strong>s,<br />

E. Bousser (etienne.bousser@polymtl.ca), L. Martinu, J.E. Klemberg-<br />

Sapieha, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada INVITED<br />

Economic and technological progress as well as environmental concerns<br />

requires that modern equipment be designed with ever more stringent<br />

performance criteria, frequently pushing components to the very limits of<br />

their capabilities. Consequently, tribological deficiencies, such as<br />

lubrication breakdown, excessive wear and tribo-corrosion, are amplified<br />

leading to unnecessary operational costs, decreased efficiency and<br />

premature failure. Therefore, appropriate material’s selection for a given<br />

application must be guided by an accurate understanding of the intervening<br />

tribological processes.<br />

Solid Particle Erosion (SPE) occurs in situations where hard solid particles<br />

present in the environment are entrained in a fluid stream, and impact<br />

component surfaces. It is well known that ductile materials erode<br />

predominantly by plastic cutting or ploughing of the surface, while brittle<br />

materials do so by dissipating the particle kinetic energy through crack<br />

nucleation and propagation. Although the most widely accepted brittle<br />

erosion models were developed more than 30 years ago, little has been<br />

published on how the material removal process differs for hard brittle<br />

coatings when compared to bulk materials. In this presentation, we outline<br />

the work performed at École Polytechnique on understanding the material<br />

loss mechanisms occurring during the SPE of hard coatings.<br />

In the first part, we will discuss the validity of existing brittle SPE models<br />

when applied to the erosion of hard coatings. We examine the mechanisms<br />

by which surfaces dissipate the kinetic energy of impacting particles, and<br />

compare the erosive response of brittle bulk materials to that of hard<br />

coatings. Also, we investigate the means by which surface engineering can<br />

enhance erosion resistance, and correlate surface mechanical properties to<br />

the erosion behaviour of brittle bulk materials and coatings. We will show<br />

that the experimental results are also well supported by the finite element<br />

modelling of single particle impacts of coated surfaces.<br />

The second part of the talk will focus more closely on TiN-based hard<br />

nanocomposite coatings and on the role microstructure has on the surface<br />

mechanical properties and on the enhanced erosion performance. Finally,<br />

erosion tests being notoriously inaccurate, we discuss the methodology of<br />

Wednesday Morning, April 25, <strong>2012</strong> 54<br />

coating erosion testing, and present a novel in-situ erosion characterization<br />

technique used for time-resolved erosion testing.<br />

10:00am B5-1-7 Effects of structure and phase transformation on<br />

fracture toughness and mechanical properties of CrN/AlN multilayers,<br />

M. Schlögl (manfred.schloegl@unileoben.ac.at), J. Paulitsch, J. Keckes, C.<br />

Kirchlechner, P.H. Mayrhofer, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria<br />

Transition metal nitrides, such as CrN are highly attractive materials for a<br />

wide range of applications due to their outstanding properties like high<br />

hardness, excellent corrosion and oxidation resistance. Consequently, many<br />

research activities deal with their synthesis-structure-properties-relations.<br />

However, also because the fracture toughness of thin films is a difficult-toobtain<br />

material property, only limited information is available on this topic.<br />

Therefore, this work is devoted to the study of the fracture mechanisms of<br />

CrN based thin films with the aid of in-situ scanning electron microscopy<br />

microbending, microcompression and microtension tests. The small testspecimens<br />

are prepared by focused ion beam milling of individual freestanding<br />

thin films. As generally monolithic coatings with their columnar<br />

structure provide low resistance against crack formation and propagation we<br />

perform our studies for CrN thin films and CrN/AlN multilayers. The latter<br />

offer additional interfaces perpendicular to the major crack-propagationdirection<br />

having different elastic constants and shear modulus and binding<br />

characteristics. Adjusting the AlN layer-thicknesses to ~3 and ~10 nm<br />

allows studying the impact of a cubic stabilized AlN layer and an AlN layer<br />

composed of cubic, amorphous and hexagonal fractions being extremely<br />

sensitive to stress fields.<br />

The microtests clearly demonstrate that the monolithic CrN as well as the<br />

CrN/AlN multilayer coating with the ~10 nm thin AlN layers (and hence a<br />

mixture of cubic, amorphous and hexagonal AlN phases) fail as soon as<br />

small cracks are initiated. Contrary, the CrN/AlN multilayer coatings<br />

composed of ~3 nm thin c-AlN layers are able to provide resistance against<br />

crack propagation. Hence, they allow for significantly higher loads during<br />

the tests. Detailed structural investigations, in-situ and after the tests,<br />

suggest that the cubic AlN layers, which are stabilized by coherency strains<br />

in the CrN/AlN multilayer coatings, phase transform when experiencing<br />

additional strain fields and thereby hinder crack propagation.<br />

10:20am B5-1-8 Nanoindentation and fatigue properties of magnetron<br />

sputtered AlN/NiTi multilayer thin films, D. Kaur<br />

(dkaurfph@iitr.ernet.in), N. Choudhary, Indian Institute of Technology<br />

Roorkee, India<br />

The present study explored the in-situ deposition of high damping AlN/NiTi<br />

multilayer heterostructures with different bilayer periods (Λ) and bilayer<br />

numbers (n) by using dc/rf magnetron sputtering. The heterostructures were<br />

characterized in terms of structural, morphological, mechanical and<br />

damping properties by XRD, FESEM and Nanoindentation, respectively.<br />

XRD analysis revealed the formation of highly oriented AlN and NiTi<br />

films. The higher hardness and elastic modulus of multilayer coatings could<br />

be attributed to different mechanisms for layer formation with nanometric<br />

thickness and better adhesion of AlN layer with NiTi. The enhanced<br />

damping and fatigue properties of AlN/NiTi multilayers was due to the<br />

combined effect of piezoelectric AlN and NiTi shape memory alloy layers.<br />

The obtained results suggest that AlN/NiTi multilayers exhibit higher<br />

damping capacity as compared to PZT/NiTi heterostructures.<br />

Keywords: Sputtering; Heterostructures; Nanoindentation; Damping<br />

10:40am B5-1-9 Hardness of CrAlSiN nanocomposite coatings at<br />

elevated temperatures, S. Liu (sl559@cam.ac.uk), S. Korte, Gordon<br />

<strong>Lab</strong>oratory, Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of<br />

Cambridge, UK, X.Z. Ding, X.T. Zeng, Singapore Institute of Manufacturing<br />

Technology, Singapore, W. Clegg, Gordon <strong>Lab</strong>oratory, Department of<br />

Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, UK<br />

Cr-based nanocomposite coatings are attracting increasing attention for use<br />

as protective coatings in dry machining and aerospace applications where<br />

the components are consistently exposed to high temperatures. In this<br />

report, CrAlSiN nanocomposite coatings have been deposited with different<br />

silicon contents and at different substrate bias voltages using a lateral<br />

rotating cathode arc technique. Their composition, microstructure and<br />

mechanical properties were characterized using EDS, XRD and<br />

nanoindentation respectively and compared with CrN and CrAlN coatings<br />

deposited under the same conditions. The flow behaviour around the indent<br />

has been studied using AFM and TEM. The mechanical behaviour of the<br />

coatings has been determined both from room temperature tests after<br />

annealing at elevated temperatures and hot stage nanoindentation, allowing<br />

the hardness to be measured at temperatures up to 600 °C. The evolution of<br />

the structure and internal stress has been measured in both cases allowing<br />

the two approaches to be compared.

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