ICMCTF 2012! - CD-Lab Application Oriented Coating Development

ICMCTF 2012! - CD-Lab Application Oriented Coating Development

ICMCTF 2012! - CD-Lab Application Oriented Coating Development


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Energetic Materials and Micro-Structures for<br />

Nanomanufacturing<br />

Room: Sunset - Session TS3-1<br />

Energetic Materials and Micro-Structures for<br />

Nanomanufacturing<br />

Moderator: C. Rebholz, University of Cyprus, Cyprus, C.<br />

Doumanidis, University of Cyprus, Cyprus, T. Ando,<br />

Northeastern University, US<br />

8:00am TS3-1-1 Recent ADvances in Nanolaminate Energetic<br />

Materials, C. Rossi (rossi@laas.fr), 1CNRS; LAAS, France INVITED<br />

Since more than a decade, nanostructured thermite materials, which<br />

classically consist of a mixture of oxidizer and fuel nanoparticles, have<br />

drawn considerable interest due to enhanced energy release rates in<br />

comparison to their macro-scale counterparts which arises from an<br />

increased fuel and oxidizer interfacial contact area. In comparison with<br />

other energy sources such as batteries, capacitors, fuel cells, nanothermites<br />

energy and power density is orders of magnitude higher, making them ideal<br />

candidates to provide high energy density local source of heat or pressure<br />

for mechanical and/or electrical power. Since 2005, progress in<br />

nanotechnologies paved the way to engineering nanothermites on a chip.<br />

Typically, magnetron sputtering method permit to stack alternatively metal<br />

and metal oxide nanofoils, typically Al and CuO, each foil being accurately<br />

controlled in thickness (from 25nm‐100nm with a precision of 5nm) and<br />

high purity. This deposition technique places the reactants in intimate<br />

contact reducing notably the diffusion distance between reactants compared<br />

to the same material prepared by powder mixing.<br />

Al-CuO nanolaminates are magnetron sputter deposited from Al and Cu<br />

targets using DC power supplied, on oxidized silicon wafer. Copper Oxide<br />

thin films are deposited by dc reactive magnetron sputtering method under<br />

argon and oxygen plasma from a Cu target.<br />

We compared the ignition characteristics and combustion rate of Al/CuO<br />

nanolaminate for different Fuel (Al) to Oxidizer (CuO) ratio<br />

(stoichiometric, fuel rich and fuel poor) and for different Al and CuO<br />

individual reactive layer thickness. Results show that Al/CuO<br />

nanolaminates provide unparalleled selectivity to tailor their energetic<br />

response to satisfy desired application based on material composition,<br />

structure and stochiometry.<br />

Second point discussed in this paper is the formation and role of the<br />

intermixing zone at the interface of Al and CuO reactive layers. We find<br />

that an interface layer formed during sputter deposition of alumimum on<br />

CuO is composed of a mixture of Cu, O and Al through Al penetration into<br />

CuO, and constitutes a poor diffusion barrier (low ignition temperature);<br />

and in contrast atomic layer deposition (ALD) of Al2O3 using<br />

trimethylaluminum (TMA) produces a conformal coating that effectively<br />

prevents Al diffusion (higher ignition temperature) even for ultra-thin layer<br />

thicknesses (~ 0.5 nm). These findings evidence that interface layers plays a<br />

crucial role in the characteristics and performances of energetic<br />

nanolaminates. We have combined in-situ FTIR and ex-situ X-ray, DSC and<br />

HRTEM to identify the stable configurations that can occur at the interface.<br />

8:40am TS3-1-3 Comparison of engineered nanocoatings on the<br />

combustion of aluminum and copper oxide nanothermites, E. Collins,<br />

M. Pantoya (michelle.pantoya@ttu.edu), A. Vijayasai, T. Dallas, Texas<br />

Tech University, US<br />

Water-repellent nanocoatings for submerged combustion of nanoenergetic<br />

composite materials were developed. Some of the possible applications of<br />

submerged combustion are - oceanic power generation, underwater<br />

ordnance, propulsion, metal cutting, and torch technologies. Nanocoatings<br />

were deposited on thermite pellets by a vapor-phase technique. Two types<br />

of deposition techniques, namely chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and<br />

atomic layer deposition (ALD) were studied. A total of six types of<br />

nanocoatings were applied on the thermite pellets. Various process<br />

parameters to produce the coatings were explored. Characterization of the<br />

nanocoatings was carried out using FTIR, SEM, AFM and contact angle<br />

goniometry. Submerged combustion tests of the nanocoated thermite pellets<br />

were performed as a function of submerged time. The pellets were<br />

submerged in deionized water for 3, 5 and 10 days. The bubble energy<br />

produced was analyzed and compared to other types of nanocoated pellets.<br />

Initial results were analyzed using a fluorocarbon (FSAM) based monolayer<br />

coating (type 1 – thickness ~1.8nm) and compared with a.<br />

nanoparticle+FSAM coating (type 2 – thickness ~300nm).<br />

Results suggest that with increasing submerged time, there is a decrease in<br />

the ratio of bubble energy to total energy of combustion<br />

(Kc=Kbubble/Kcombustion). The bubble energy of the pellets with type 1 and type<br />

2 coating was 532.6 and 528.6 (KJ/Kg) respectively, with immediate<br />

ignition after submersion and 27.6 and 48.2 (KJ/Kg) respectively, after 10<br />

days. The value of Kc for Type 1 coating decreased by a factor of 19.3<br />

whereas the Type 2 coating decreased by a factor of 11.0. The hydrophobic<br />

coating is critical for energy generation because without it, the pellets do<br />

not ignite, resulting in 100% loss of energy. Other coatings are being<br />

explored to improve durability of submerged pellets.<br />

9:00am TS3-1-4 Study of the reactive dynamics of nanometric metallic<br />

multilayers using molecular dynamics : the Al-Ni system., O. Politano<br />

(politano@u-bourgogne.fr), F. BARAS, Université de Bourgogne - CNRS,<br />

France<br />

A molecular dynamics study of a layered Ni-Al-Ni system is developed<br />

using an embedded atom method type potential. The specific geometry is<br />

designed to model a Ni-Al nanometric metallic multilayer. By means of this<br />

microscopic approach, we are able to detect the very first steps of the<br />

spontaneous dynamics at nanoscale. The system made of an Al-slice<br />

embedded in Ni, is initially thermalized at the fixed temperature of 600 K.<br />

Both pure metals are in FCC configurations. We first observe the<br />

interdiffusion of Ni and Al at interfaces which is followed by the<br />

spontaneous phase formation of NiAl (B2) in the Al layer. The solid-state<br />

reaction is associated with a rapid system's heating which further enhances<br />

the diffusion processes. NiAl phase is organized in small regions separated<br />

by grain boundaries. Such crystallites are larger in the direction parallel to<br />

the interface than in the perpendicular one. This study confirms the<br />

hypothesis of a layer by layer development of the new phase. For longer<br />

times, the temperature is notably higher (> 1000 K) and the system may<br />

partly lose some its B2 NiAl microstructure in favor of the formation of<br />

Ni3Al in L12 configuration. This work shows the spontaneous development<br />

of a real exothermic solid-state reaction in metallic nanosystems mostly<br />

constituted by interfaces. It allows to explain the extreme reactivity of such<br />

systems and gives the basic mechanisms at its origin.<br />

9:20am TS3-1-5 Exothermic metal-metal multilayers: Pulsed laser<br />

ignition thresholds, reaction modes and effects of environment, D.<br />

Adams (dpadams@sandia.gov), R. Reeves, P. McDonald, D. Jones, Jr., M.<br />

Rodriguez, Sandia National <strong>Lab</strong>oratories, US INVITED<br />

Vapor-deposited, metal-metal multilayers are an ideal class of materials for<br />

systematic, detailed investigations of reactive material properties. Created<br />

in a pristine vacuum environment by sputter deposition, these high purity<br />

materials have well-defined reactant layer thicknesses between 1 and 1000<br />

nm, minimal void density and intimate contact between layers. With this<br />

presentation, we describe the ignition characteristics, reaction behaviors and<br />

final phase formation of multiple exothermic metal-metal pairs. This<br />

includes equiatomic Al/Pt, Co/Al and Ni/Ti. Regarding initiation, we show<br />

how pulsed laser ignition thresholds vary with material system. For a given<br />

reactive material system, the thresholds for ignition are also shown to<br />

depend on (i) pulse duration (evaluated from decisecond to femtosecond<br />

time scales) and (ii) nanolaminate periodicity. With regards to steady-state<br />

propagation, we show that some nanolaminate systems (Al/Pt) exhibit<br />

stable propagation modes characterized by rapid reaction rates and<br />

microscopically-smooth reaction front morphologies. Other kineticallyconstrained<br />

systems (Co/Al, Ni/Ti) exhibit an in-plane spin-like (unstable)<br />

propagation mode characterized by transverse propagation bands and<br />

colliding wavefronts. Regarding phase formation, we describe how reaction<br />

environment can affect final phase.<br />

Sandia is a multi-program laboratory managed and operated by Sandia<br />

Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Company, for<br />

the United States Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security<br />

Administration under Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.<br />

10:00am TS3-1-7 Time-Resolved Emission Spectroscopy Of<br />

Electrically Heated Energetic Ni/Al Laminates, C. Morris<br />

(christopher.j.morris58.civ@mail.mil), U.S. Army Research <strong>Lab</strong>oratory,<br />

US, P. Wilkins, C. May, Lawrence Livermore National <strong>Lab</strong>oratory, US, T.<br />

Weihs, Johns Hopkins University, US<br />

The nickel-aluminum (Ni/Al) intermetallic system is useful for a variety of<br />

reactive material applications, and reaction characteristics are well studied<br />

at the normal self-heating rates of 10 3 –10 6 K/s. Our experiments at 10 11 –<br />

10 12 K/s have measured the kinetic energy of material ejected from the<br />

reaction zone relative to input electrical energy, indicating an exothermic<br />

effect from Ni and Al laminates despite the extremely high heating rate.<br />

In order to better probe reaction phenomena at these time scales, we<br />

reported at the 2010 <strong>ICMCTF</strong> meeting on emission spectroscopy of<br />

electrically heated, patterned Ni/Al bridge wires, time resolved over 350 ns<br />

through the use of a streak camera. We conducted these experiments in<br />

rough vacuum, but found the emission to be dominated by argon (Ar) and<br />

nitrogen (N) lines in addition to the expected emission of Al and Ni. Using<br />

spectral information from this Ar, we analyzed expected Boltzmann<br />

81 Thursday Morning, April 26, <strong>2012</strong>

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