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132 F. Roos-Barraclough et al. / The Science of the Total Environment 292 (2002) 129–139<br />

2.3. Effects of sample preparation: grinding<br />

samples<br />

Five samples of an in-house peat reference<br />

material were ground using a coffee mill.These<br />

samples were analysed for Hg using the Leco<br />

AMA-254 and the values obtained were compared<br />

to those obtained using five unground samples of<br />

the same material.<br />

2.4. Effects of sample preparation: water content<br />

in air-dried plugs<br />

The EGR2A core (co-ordinates CH 570.525,<br />

232.150) was collected on 26 August 1991.The<br />

core was taken using a Livingston corer (Aaby<br />

and Digerfeldt, 1986).The cylindrical core was<br />

initially taken in 1-m sections (total length 692<br />

cm, ds8 cm).The core was then sliced, frozen,<br />

into 2-cm slices.The slices were stored in individual<br />

airtight plastic bags at y18 8C until analysis.<br />

Slices from 46 to 592 cm were thawed before<br />

plugs were taken.Four plugs were taken from<br />

each slice.One plug from each slice was weighed<br />

wet.All the plugs were allowed to air dry in a<br />

class 100 clean air cabinet for 20 h.The air-dried<br />

plugs, which had been weighed wet, were reweighed<br />

after 20 h and then placed in an oven at<br />

105 8C until constant weight was obtained.The<br />

percentage water remaining in the air-dried plugs<br />

was then calculated from the air-dried weight and<br />

the constant dry weight of the plugs.This value<br />

for water content of air-dried samples was used to<br />

calculate the theoretical dry weight of the remaining<br />

air-dried plugs, which were subsequently analysed<br />

for Hg.<br />

2.5. Effects of peat properties: Hg concentrations<br />

in different bog plant species<br />

Twenty-three plant species were collected from<br />

the surface of the ombrotrophic bog at Etang de<br />

la Gruere ` in the Swiss Jura Mountains (1005 m)<br />

between July 1997 and September 2000.The<br />

samples were stored in air-tight plastic bags immediately<br />

after collection and were kept frozen until<br />

analysis.Samples were then air dried in a class<br />

100 laminar flow cabinet overnight and analysed<br />

for Hg content by AAS, using the Leco AMA<br />

254.<br />

2.6. Bulk density and water content in a peat<br />

monolith<br />

A peat monolith was collected at SWM (coordinates<br />

CH 631.250, 177.000) on 28 August,<br />

1991, using a Wardenaar corer (Wardenaar, 1987).<br />

The monolith obtained (10=10=100 cm) was<br />

stored at y18 8C after collection.It was then cut<br />

(frozen) into 1-cm slices, using a stainless steel<br />

band saw and the individual slices were again<br />

stored at y18 8C until analysis.The top 17 slices<br />

were used in the following analyses.A stainless<br />

steel tube with a sharpened end, of diameter 16mm<br />

was used to remove three plugs of known<br />

volume from each 1-cm slice.The wet weight of<br />

each plug was recorded and the plugs were then<br />

dried to constant weight in an oven at 105 8C.The<br />

dry weights were recorded and the plugs were then<br />

stored in air-tight plastic boxes, which had been<br />

soaked for 1 h in 10% HNO and rinsed six times<br />

3<br />

with water (R G18 V).<br />

H O<br />

2<br />

2.7. Effects of peat properties: variation in Hg<br />

concentrations within one 10=10=1 cm slice<br />

The slice 15 cm from the surface of SWM core<br />

was used to investigate the diversity of Hg concentrations<br />

within a single 10=10=1 cm slice of<br />

peat.The slice appeared to be homogenous in<br />

terms of composition of plant material.However,<br />

wood was removed from the samples before analysis.Sixteen<br />

plugs (four rows of four) were<br />

extracted as described above, at even distance<br />

from one another.The samples were analysed for<br />

Hg using the Leco AMA 254.The theoretical dry<br />

weight of the samples was calculated using their<br />

wet weights and the average water content of slice<br />

15, previously determined to be 93.0"0.4%. The<br />

Hg concentration was calculated and expressed as<br />

y1 ng g in dry weight of peat.<br />

3. Results<br />

3.1. Suitable peat analysis program using the Leco<br />

AMA 254<br />

Increasing the drying time from 9 to 500 s only<br />

increased the blank value from 0.020 Hg (ns2)

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