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Glossary 485Noradrenergic transmissionreleases norepinephrine.Synaptic transmission produced by a neuron thatNorepinephrine A catecholamine that is the chemical means of transmissionacross synapses in postganglionic neurons of the sympathetic nervous system andin some parts of the central nervous system. It is a vasopressor hormone of theadrenal medulla, has a prominent role in the stress response, is important in attention,and is a precursor of epinephrine in its major biosynthetic pathway.Nucleotides Basic structural units of DNA and RNA consisting of a ribose ordeoxyribose sugar joined to a heterocyclic base and to a phosphate group that playimportant roles in energy production, metabolism, and signaling.Nucleus accumbens A collection of neurons that are part of the ventral striatumand thought to play an important role in reward, pleasure, and addiction. Forlocalization see Figure B1.Ontogeneticorganism.The development or course of development of an individualOpiate A drug derived from opium, tending to induce sleep and to work as ananalgesic.Orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) A region of the medial PFC above the eyes importantin decision making, emotion, and in the regulation of planning behaviorassociated with reward and punishment.Oxytocin A hormone that also acts as a neurotransmitter, secreted by the anteriorlobe of the pituitary gland, that stimulates the contraction of uterine muscleand the secretion of milk, is released during orgasm, and is involved in socialrecognition and pair bonding.Parietal lobe The middle division of each cerebral hemisphere that is situatedbehind the central sulcus, above the sylvian fissure, and in front of the parietooccipitalsulcus and is crucial in the integration of sensory information and in themanipulation of objects.ParvocellularCharacterized by relatively small cell bodies.Phencyclidine (PCP) A former medical and veterinary anesthetic, now oftenused illicitly as a psychedelic drug to induce hallucinogenic effects.

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