SYNTEC CNC Application manual - Winter Holztechnik

SYNTEC CNC Application manual - Winter Holztechnik

SYNTEC CNC Application manual - Winter Holztechnik


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<strong>SYNTEC</strong> <strong>CNC</strong> application <strong>manual</strong>6.2 SERVO 4 wiring description(C/D/E version) :1. SERVO 4 standards :SERVO 4 control :pulse output(CW,CCW) : it can connect pulse type servo driver ,or stepper motordriverencoder pulse feeback(A,B,C) : when encoder pulse feeback ,will change A,Bsignal into quadruple frequency value and react on the absoluteposition recoder(absolute counter) ,this value and pulse output isindependent ,the opposite relationship ,is deal with softwareindex hardware latch : each time when index(C) comes ,will let the value ofabsolute position recoder ,latch on index counterspindle control : this card is on the P4 joint ,there are two pin output spindleanalogy signalMPG import : this card is on P4 joint ,threre are three pins connect to MPG(+5V,A,B) ,can read the value of MPG2. each joint PIN definitionP1 : 1:1A+ ,2:1A- ,3:1B+ ,4:1B- ,5:1C+ ,6:1C- ,7: ALM+(+24V) ,8:ALM- ,9 SERVO_ON10:SERVO_CLR 11:1CW+ ,12:1CW- ,13:1CCW+ ,14:1CCW- 15: OUT_COMP2 : 1:2A+ ,2:2A- ,3:2B+ ,4:2B- ,5:2C+ ,6:2C- ,7: ALM+ (+24V)8:ALM-,9 SERVO_ON10:SERVO_CLR 11:2CW+ ,12:2CW- ,13:2CCW+ ,14:2CCW- 15:OUT_COMP3 : 1:3A+ ,2:3A- ,3:3B+ ,4:3B- ,5:3C+ ,6:3C- ,7: ALM+(+24V) ,8:ALM-,9 SERVO_ON10:SERVO_CLR 11:3CW+ ,12:3CW- ,13:3CCW+ ,14:3CCW-15:OUT_COMP4 : 1:4A+ ,2:4A- ,3:4B+ ,4:4B- ,5:4C+ ,6:4C- ,7:MPG5V ,8:MPG_A ,9:MPG_B10:DA_CMD- ,11:4CW+ ,12:4CW- ,13:4CCW+ ,14:4CCW- ,15:DA_CMD+130

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