SYNTEC CNC Application manual - Winter Holztechnik

SYNTEC CNC Application manual - Winter Holztechnik

SYNTEC CNC Application manual - Winter Holztechnik


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<strong>SYNTEC</strong> <strong>CNC</strong> application <strong>manual</strong>Dialogue graph screen PIC file manufacture steps1. load the PIC file to Windows paints2. Select [image][property] in list of paints,selectunit:pixelcolor:colorswidth:picture widthhieght:picture hieghtthen press [Done]3. Select [file][save as new file] in list,please chooseFile type:16 colors BMPPlease enter the new file name,then press [Done]4. Use GhostGraphic to transfer the file,transfer that 16 colors *.BMP fileto *.PCX filetransfer file tool installation and how to use :1. please the related program unzip in the same path2. execute : “GWS”3. select the BMP file which want to transfer4. press the “CONVERT” in the left up side of the screen ,select the PCX formin POP UP window5. finish all action automatically147

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