Abai, MR

Abai, MR

Abai, MR


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6th International Congress of DipterologyGenetic survey of Haematobia irritans irritans and H. irritansexigua, and phylogeny of Japanese Stomoxyini flies(Diptera, Muscidae)Iwasa, M. (1) & N. Ishiguro (2)(1) Laboratory of Entomology, Obihiro University of Agriculture and VeterinaryMedicine, Inada-cho, Obihiro, Hokkaido 080-8555, Japan(2) Laboratory of Food and Environmental Hygiene Veterinary Medicine, Faculty ofApplied Biological Sciences, Gifu University, Yanagido 1-1, Gifu 501-1193, JapanThe horn fly, Haematobia irritans (Linnaeus) which is an obligateblood-sucking fly of cattle is divided into 2 subspecies: H. irritans irritans(Linnaeus) in the northern hemisphere and H. irritans exigua de Meijere(buffalo fly) in tropical and subtropical areas. In these 2 subspecies,genetic difference in relation to distribution were investigated by analysisof mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of the populations obtained from 4localities (Japan:Obihiro and Morioka; Taiwan, Vietnam). Furthermore,phylogenetic relationship of the Japanese 4 Stomoxyini species, Stomoxyscalcitrans (Linnaeus), S. indicus Picard, S. uruma Shinonaga et Kano andHaematobosca sanguinolenta (Austen) was also examined by analysis ofmtDNA. For the phylogenetic analysis, 3 species of the genus Musca, M.domestica Linnaeus, M. crassirostoris Stein , M. bezzii Patton et Craggwere used as an outgroup.In Haematobia irritans, the populations obtained from Obihiro andMorioka and the populations from Taiwan and Vietnam were almostidentical at genetic level, respectively. However, there was geneticdifference between populations of Obihiro-Morioka (irritans irritans) andthe populations of Taiwan-Vietnam (irritans exigua). This result agreedwith classification and distributional phenomena based on morphology.However, genetic distance between irritans irritans (Obihiro-Morioka) andirritans exigua (Taiwan-Vietnam) was shorter than those of betweenindependent species in other Stomoxyini flies. There were some geneticvariations in the population of H. irritans exigua from Vietnam comparedwith those from Obihiro and Morioka.125

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