Abai, MR

Abai, MR

Abai, MR


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6th International Congress of DipterologyMalaria Vector Control after 40 Years Malaria Eradicationin TaiwanTeng, H.-J., Y.-C. Chen, C.-F. Chen, & M.-C. ChangVector Entomology Laboratory, Center for Research and Diagnostics, Center for DiseaseControl, Taiwan.Malaria is documented to have been prevalent throughout much of Taiwanin the 19te and 20th centuries. As a result of the effective strategy by usingindoor residual house spraying with DDT (0.5-2.0 g of active ingredientper m2), the WHO declared Taiwan free from malaria in 1965. However in2003, the reporting of 2 locally acquired malaria cases in a rural areacauses a concern about malaria control. Among the 15 Anopheline speciesthat are currently found in Taiwan, Anopheles minimus L is regarded asthe principal malaria vector. Other potential species, Anopheles sinensisWiedemann, An. maculatus Theobald, An. ludlowae Theobald, An.tessellatus Theobald, An. jeyporiensis Koidzumi, and An. annularis Vander Wulp have been implicated in malaria transmission in other countriesbut are not considered to be important in Taiwan.The principal risk factors for malaria transmission in Taiwan were to sleepoutdoors in hillside areas during the hot months and the raising of animalsin proximity to the home. However, because of the extremely low parasitehuman-vectorcontact, effective surveillances on malaria patients as well asmosquito vectors and protection from mosquito bites were more importantthan vector control itself. Therefore, the prevention should be focus onscreening of the houses, the monitoring of malaria Plasmodium carriermovement in the high-risk areas (i.e. the areas with the presence ofAnopheles minimus), and personal protection to reducing mosquito bites inoutdoor night activities. No Anopheles mosquitoes were collected insidethe 100 houses from 12 villages in a 2005 study; indoor residual housespraying with insecticides is no longer an effective method to controlmalaria in Taiwan. Hence, if locally acquired malaria is confirmed, anoutdoor spraying was recommended.Key Words: malaria vector control, Anopheles minimus, Taiwan262

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