Abai, MR

Abai, MR

Abai, MR


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6th International Congress of Dipterologythe 3rd instars and the postfeeding larvae of C. megacephala and on the2nd instars of C. rufifacies. The largest reduced amount, ca. 25 hrs in C.megacephala and 34 hrs in C. rufifacies, of larval duration is caused byinter-specific competition under high larval density. In conclusion,competition decreased the larval duration of these two species up to 2 days;and this also draw the attention to justify the PMI estimation by usinglarval developmental data when larval competition is existed.Key Words: forensic entomology, Calliphoridae, larval competition,postmortem interval∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗227

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