Abai, MR

Abai, MR

Abai, MR


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6th International Congress of Dipterologysignal for the recovering of completely resolved topologies. Althoughpreliminary, the study brings new light for the understanding of theinterrelationships among major crane fly lineages. Questions of relevancefor future studies are presented and discussed.Key Words: phylogeny, Diptera, Tipulomorpha, Limoniidae,Limnophilinae∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗Molecular phylogeny of MycetophilidaeRindal, E., L. Bachmann & G. SøliUniversity of Oslo, Natural History Museum, Department of Zoology, P.O. Box 1172Blindern, 0318 Oslo, Norway.Our present knowledge about the phylogeny and classification of theMycetophilidae is exclusively based on morphological characters, mainlyfrom the study of adult males. Some larval characters have been used aswell, but are currently of restricted value as immature stages are unknownfor the majority of taxa within Mycetophilidae.Based on resent phylogenies it has been suggested that previouslyrecognized subfamilies and tribes are not monophyletic, but no consensusabout the systematics of the group have been reached.The present study applies molecular markers in an attempt to solve thesequestions. Both mitochondrial and nuclear genes are utilized. A phylogenyis proposed and the relationships within the family Mycetophilidae areestimated.The work has been supported by funding from the “National Centre forBiosystematics” (Project nr. 146515/420), University of Oslo, Norway.Key Words: Sciaroidea, Mycetophilidae, molecular phylogeny206

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