Abai, MR

Abai, MR

Abai, MR


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6th International Congress of DipterologyDipterological research by the National Centre for the Studyand Conservation of Forest Biodiversity (CNBF), Verona –Bosco della Fontana (Italy)Mason F. (1), D. Avesani (1), M. Bardiani (2), D. Birtele (2), P. Cerretti (1), S. Hardersen(2), G. Nardi (2), M. Tisato (1) & D. Whitmore (2)(1) Corpo Forestale dello Stato, Centro Nazionale per lo Studio e la Conservazione dellaBiodiversità Forestale, Via Carlo Ederle 16/a, 37100 Verona, Italy(2) Corpo Forestale dello Stato, Centro Nazionale per lo Studio e la Conservazione dellaBiodiversità Forestale, Strada Mantova 29, 46045 Marmirolo (MN), ItalyDuring the last ten years, the National Centre for the Study andConservation of Forest Biodiversity of Verona – Bosco della Fontana(Italy) has been involved in a series of faunistic and ecological studies inItaly, including two LIFE-Nature projects and the CONECOFORprogramme (part of the ICP Forests network for long-term monitoring offorest ecosystems). The first LIFE project (1999-2003) was focussed onthe study of the ancient oak-hornbeam forest Reserve of Bosco dellaFontana (Mantova), and resulted in the finding of over 500 Diptera species,over 50 of which new for Italy, as well as of two Mycetophilidae (Leiapadana Chandler, L. fontana Chandler) and one Phoridae (Megaseliamantuana Gori) new to science. A study of the Apennine beach-wood beltin 2000-2001 yielded over 850 Diptera species, including 200 new recordsfor Italy and 5 Hybotidae new to science (Platypalpus pseudoalter Raffone,P. pseudostroblii Raffone, P. submaculus Raffone, P. subpectoralisRaffone, Tachypeza subnubila Raffone). Many interesting faunistic recordsand several species new to science (e.g. the Tachinidae Pales abditaCerretti, P. marae Cerretti, Pseudogonia metallaria Cerretti), some ofwhich still awaiting description, were found during a two-year monitoringscheme (2003-2005) in 12 Italian CONECOFOR permanent plots. In asecond LIFE project, currently being carried out in a riparian forest atVincheto di Celarda (Belluno, NE Italy), tree-crown dipteran communitiesare being investigated with aerial Malaise traps. With an agreementprotocol recently stipulated between the Nature Protection Department ofthe Italian Ministry for the Environment and the Italian State Forestry333

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