Abai, MR

Abai, MR

Abai, MR


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6th International Congress of Dipterologymaggot 267maggot debridement therapy (MDT)79, 166maggot mass 171maggot therapy 259, 261Mahale Mountains National Park 218major route 116malaise trap 295malaise traps 27malaria 18, 67, 93, 166, 167, 189, 291malaria vector control 262male annihilation 184male annihilation technique 138, 161male genitalia 87, 175, 277, 282mangrove 92marine 244Marsdenia tomentosa 106mate choice 66,mating behavior 26, 129, 202, 203,220mating behaviour 12, 25, 29, 173matrix representation with parsimony 151maxillary palpus 193medicine 296Mesembrina 221methyl eugenol 138, 184microhabitat 123Microphorella 52microsatellite 215microsomal monooxygenases 114midgut 121migration 145Mikiola 221Miltogramminae 254minor route 116mitochondorial DNA 126, 263mitochondria DNA 131mitochondrial 35mitochondrial DNA 189, 208, 256, 263351Moegistorhynchus 17molecular 21, 50molecular phylogeny 35, 94, 206, 241,286, 299molecular systematics 132, 275, 297, 300Mollusca 287, 288, 303monitoring 334morphology 21, 39, 47, 50, 58, 87, 131154 ,190, 192, 203, 222,241, 254, 277mortality factor 326mosquito 130mosquitocidal activity 213mouthparts 32MtDNA 223mtDNA 20, 294Murraya koenigii 265Musca domestica 111, 285Muscidae 73, 118, 221, 285muscids 49mushroom body 321mutation 99Mycetophilidae 135, 146, 206Mydidae 60Myotis blythii 261natural history 246natural medicine 279natural population 13ND5 gene 158NDVI 120Nearctic 243Nematocera 21Nemestrinidae 17Neoceratitis cyanescens 284Neotropical fauna 332Neotropical Region 6Neotropical region 234Neotropics 234net-winged midges 32, 50

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