Abai, MR

Abai, MR

Abai, MR


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6th International Congress of DipterologyPhylogenetic patterns of the Andean Reinwardtiini(Muscidae) genera Brachygasterina, Dalcyella, Psilochaetaand PalpibracusSoares, E.D.G. & C.J.B. de CarvalhoBiodiversity and Biogeography Laboratory, Department of Zoology, UniversidadeFederal do Paraná, Curitiba, 81.531-980, BrazilThe genera Brachygasterina, Dalcyella, Palpibracus and Psilochaeta(Reinwardtiini) are endemics to the Andean Region. Recently, thephylogenies of Palpibracus and Brachygasterina were proposed and newspecies of these genera were described, along with the suggestion thatPsilochaeta is paraphyletic. Also, a new species in Brachygasterinaextends its concept and indicates that Psilochaeta may, in fact, beBrachygasterina. To examine these relationships, we performed a cladisticanalysis on all available species of those four genera (37 species, using 57characters). The analysis resulted in two equally parsimonious cladogramsof 265 steps, consistency index of 32 and retention index of 63, and twomain clades. The first clade places Palpibracus as a monophyletic unit,supported by a strong prealar setae and the yellow thorax with a browndorsal stripe and yellow humeral callus and yellow scutellum. The mainclades within Palpibracus (already recognized) are supported, however thetwo new species changed the internal topology. The second clade includesPhilornis aitkeni and Synthesiomyia nudiseta, Psilochaeta,Brachygasterina and Dalcyella. The target genera were supported by theweakly dilated flagellomere (also found in Palpibracus), males areholoptic with a greater interocular distance, prealar setae and notopleuralanterior setae equal in length, and two anterior catepisternals setae. Thespecies are as follows: (a) Psilochaeta chlorogaster, (b) a newBrachygasterina species, (c) a clade containing the other three Psilochaetaspecies, (d) three new Brachygasterina, not as a monophyletic group, withcharacters belonging to both Psilochaeta and Brachygasterina, (e)Dalcyella veniseta and (f) an apical clade, containing Brachygasterinastrictu sensu, supported by the presence of a strong dilated palpus. Here,240

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