Abai, MR

Abai, MR

Abai, MR


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6th International Congress of DipterologyDiptera in the cartographical database of agricultural plantpests of Russia and adjacent countriesGrichanov, I.Ya. & E.I. OvsyannikovaAll-Russian Institute of Plant Protection, Shosse Podbelskogo 3, VIZR, St. Petersburg-Pushkin 196608, RussiaThe first version of the interactive Agricultural Atlas of the former USSRterritories is now completed and can be reviewed athttp://www.agroatlas.spb.ru/. The Atlas presents maps reflecting thedistribution and incidence of major and minor crop pests (150), cropdiseases (150), and weeds (150 species), in addition to distribution maps ofcrops and wild crop relatives, as well as agroecological maps of majorclimatic parameters that influence agricultural production. Only 13dipteran species have been selected to be included in the Atlas, i.e., pestsof small grains (Mayetiola destructor Say, Phorbia fumigata Mg.,Opomyza florum F., Oscinella frit L. & O. pusilla Meig., Chloropspumilionis Bjerk., Contarinia tritici Kirby, Stenodiplosis panici Rohd.),vegetables (Delia radicum L., Delia floralis Fall., Delia antiqua Meig.,Сhamaepsila rosae L.) and stone-fruits (Rhagoletis cerasi L.). Each objectis represented by a number of standard files. The Map file is composed of2-5 layers reflecting the geographical spread and levels of harming activity.O. frit & O. pusilla joint map only reflects zones of high, moderate andlow damage. Two geographical zones of damage are allocated for 4 species,low and moderate, or low and high. In other cases, available materials haveallowed to allocate low damage zone only inside the area. The Descriptionfile includes Taxonomic Position, Morphology and Biology, Distribution,Ecology, and Economic Significance. There is also an image, usuallyoriginal photograph illustrating the pest. The Metadata file includes Scale,Accuracy, Projection, Content, Accuracy of Qualifier, Method of MapConstruction, and References. The second version of the Agricultural Atlasis planned to be created soon. More than 100 insects and other animalspecies will be added, but only 7 more dipteran pests (of grains, legumes,88

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