Abai, MR

Abai, MR

Abai, MR


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6th International Congress of DipterologyThe total number of Empididae and Hybotidae in New Zealand is likely tobe 300-450 species; double or triple the current number. Accuratequantification will require further taxonomic revisions and the adoption ofsystematic sampling methods to fully interrogate all available biotopes.Key Words: Empididae, Hybotidae, New Zealand, diversity∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗Videotaped feeding behaviour of some DolichopodidaePogonin, S. (1), O. Negrobov (2) & P. Grootaert (3)(1) Oksky Nature Reserve, Ryazan Prov., Russia. E-mail: pogoninsv@yandex.ru(2) Voronezh State University, Russia. E-mail: ins285@bio.vsu.ru(3) Department of Entomology, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Vautierstraat29, B-1000 Brussels. E-mail: Patrick.Grootaert@naturalsciences.beA movie dealing with feeding behaviour of some Dolichopodidae(Dolichopus, Hydrophorus, Campsicnemus and Sciapus) will be shown.The observations were made in the central part of European Russia (OkskyNature Reserve). A wide variety of food resources is used by thedolichopodids. Videotaping also provides ample details that can be usedfor analysis of feeding mechanisms and behaviour.Key Words: Dolichopodidae, feeding behaviour∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗196

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