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N.B. The last verse <strong>of</strong> Psalm 91, 498 which was sung after sermon, gave me some<br />

comfort, and encouraged me at the same time to continue in prayer to the Hearer<br />

<strong>of</strong> Prayers.<br />

5. Last night I was very sick <strong>of</strong> colic, and am still much indisposed, but I desire to<br />

wait for Thy salvation, o Lord! Give help out <strong>of</strong> my present affliction, and spare<br />

me yet for my family and Thy people. O Father, pity and pardon poor, unworthy<br />

me, for Christ’s sake. Amen and Amen.<br />

7. Yesterday morning I began to take a teacup <strong>of</strong> chamomile flower tea, and<br />

desire to wait on the Lord for a blessing upon this as a remedy to relieve my pains,<br />

and to restore strength to my stomach and bowels! May the Father <strong>of</strong> mercies pity<br />

me and all the sick and weak ones <strong>of</strong> my flock in particular. O, Lord, spare us yet<br />

in and for Thy service, and may we experience that in Thee is strength, also for us<br />

in weakness! May our land also be blessed with the bounties <strong>of</strong> Divine<br />

providence, and to rejoice in the happy prospect <strong>of</strong> further prosperity and peace,<br />

both in the Church and state. The Lord bless also the schools, especially the one<br />

under our care, and make the trustees faithful and able to fulfill their engagements.<br />

The Lord reigneth, and oh, may we patiently wait on Him and His salvation.<br />

Blessed Jesus, restore precious health and strength, and the glory shall be Thine.<br />

Pity and forgive my ingratitude and unbelief, and grant me joy and peace in<br />

believing through Thy Holy Spirit. Amen.<br />

8. I am at present visited with a cold, and afraid <strong>of</strong> being prevented by it from<br />

preaching next Lord’s Day, if I live so long, but why should I be careful and<br />

distressed on account <strong>of</strong> these and other futurities, which are all in the hand and at<br />

the disposal <strong>of</strong> our Heavenly Father, whose we are and whom we serve in the<br />

gospel <strong>of</strong> His Son’s, and, though much tempted since my indisposition when in<br />

the pulpit, yet I am also comforted by recollecting and reflecting upon what I hope<br />

the Lord Jesus has done for and unto me. When, more than twenty years ago, 499 I<br />

was cast down and ready to perish, He graciously appeared for my deliverance<br />

and received me from the power <strong>of</strong> the Wicked One. May I not humbly hope that<br />

the same Jesus, to whom I have been enabled to commit my all and who has been<br />

with me and helped me hitherto, will graciously preserve and strengthen poor me<br />

in the duties <strong>of</strong> my public station as long as He, in infinite wisdom, sees fit and<br />

thinks best for me, and most conducive to His glory. Though unworthy and rather<br />

deserving Thy indignation at my unbelief and ingratitude, Lord, I desire to renew<br />

covenant with my Lord and Savior, and, in dependence on Thy grace and strength<br />

alone, I would devote myself to Thy blessed service. Father <strong>of</strong> mercies, Thou<br />

knowest my pains and weakness, and also the desire what Thou has kindled, I<br />

hope, in my heart: to preach and to teach the doctrine as it is in Jesus Christ. O,<br />

spare me awhile, and restore health and strength, that I may be enabled to go on<br />

with my arduous but delightful work, and reap some delicious fruits <strong>of</strong> my<br />

ministry. Pity me and my family and our land also, and preserve us from further<br />

distresses. O Thou, God <strong>of</strong> love and peace, do Thou graciously arise for our<br />

public safety, and may our rulers be ruled and directed to whatever is most for<br />

Thy glory and our peace and prosperity, for Christ’s sake. Amen.<br />

498<br />

With long life I will satisfy them, and show them my salvation.<br />

499<br />

Referring to his experience <strong>of</strong> April 20, 1768.<br />


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