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5. Blessed be the God <strong>of</strong> all consolation. Yesterday, when engaged in receiving<br />

new members into Church Communion, I received a friendly letter from my dear<br />

brother Dominee Meijer, with the minutes <strong>of</strong> the last Synod, and I was also<br />

strengthened out <strong>of</strong> weakness to perform the duty <strong>of</strong> the afternoon. May the Lord,<br />

<strong>of</strong> His infinite mercy, graciously bless my discourse to the new communicants,<br />

and they be enabled to receive Christ Jesus the Lord, and to walk in Him, and oh,<br />

may my health and strength be restored this day, and I prepared for the Day <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Lord. I desire humbly and patiently to wait on His boundless, free, sovereign<br />

mercy and grace, through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, now and forever.<br />

Amen.<br />

P.S. I would bless the Lord for calling me to this country and being instrumental<br />

in calling also Dominee Meijer, but above all, as I humbly hope, for calling me<br />

out <strong>of</strong> darkness to His marvelous light, the light <strong>of</strong> life in Christ Jesus, whereby I<br />

have known myself to be a guilty, self-condemned, helpless sinner, and Jesus <strong>of</strong>t<br />

as the only refuge for pardon and peace, access to and acceptance with God, and I<br />

desire to bless the Lord that, notwithstanding all my innumerable sins,<br />

shortcomings, and backslidings, I still live to praise and record His mercies<br />

towards me and my friend, whom the Lord, through many trials has supported and<br />

given a name, even <strong>of</strong> honor and usefulness in His Churches. May the Lord<br />

accept <strong>of</strong> this my gratitude, bless him and me and all His servants and people, my<br />

family also and friends, for Christ’s sake. Amen.<br />

7. Blessed be the Lord, my Almighty Creator and bountiful benefactor, for His<br />

aid and assistance <strong>of</strong> yesterday. May I remember with gratitude His mercy and<br />

strength made perfect in my weakness. Though feeble and painful, yet the Father<br />

<strong>of</strong> mercies has not left nor forsaken me, but supported throughout the whole work<br />

<strong>of</strong> the day, and I humbly hope comforted my soul, with His precious words Go<br />

Thou in peace, and the God <strong>of</strong> love and peace shall be with Thee. 559 Oh, may<br />

both these be verified unto me, and the Lord be my peace, my life, health,<br />

strength, and the glory there<strong>of</strong>. Father <strong>of</strong> mercies, look upon us in Jesus Christ,<br />

our advocate, and accept <strong>of</strong> us in Him, in whom Thou art well pleased, who is also<br />

the propitiation for our sin. Oh, may this text be sanctified (1 John 2.1-2 560 ) to me<br />

and others, and we receive grace and mercy and help, in every time <strong>of</strong> need,<br />

against all sins and temptations <strong>of</strong> Satan, and a vain world to depart from the Lord<br />

and His worship, but may it also keep and fortify our drooping and tempted spirits<br />

against despondency and despair and that great sin <strong>of</strong> unbelief, which extinguishes<br />

all true love and fear and worship <strong>of</strong> the Lord. May our faith increase and be<br />

established in the Word and by the Spirit <strong>of</strong> the Lord, and we become more and<br />

more meet for Heaven. O, blessed Jesus, unto Thee and the Word <strong>of</strong> Thy grace do<br />

I most humbly and fervently commit and commend my all and all mine, body and<br />

soul, in time and to all eternity. Restore our health, and return in mercy to us. Be<br />

Thou our Savior to the uttermost, complete and merciful, pity and pardon, heal<br />

and help, and accept <strong>of</strong> my gratitude. Amen.<br />

559<br />

1 Samuel 20:13.<br />

560<br />

My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin,<br />

we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous; and he is the atoning sacrifice for our<br />

sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins <strong>of</strong> the whole world.<br />


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