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Q141. Whitby, Daniel (1638-1726), A Paraphrase and Commentary on the New<br />

Testament. London: Awnsham and John Churchill. 1703.<br />

O96. Witherspoon, John (1723-1794), Works. London: Edward and Charles<br />

Dilly. 1765.<br />

Q32. Witsius, Herman (1636-1708), De Oeconomia Foederum Dei cum<br />

Hominibus, Libri Quator. Leeuwarden: Jacob Hagenaar. 1677.<br />

Q33. Witsius, Herman (1636-1708), Miscellaneorum Sacrorum Libri IV [...].<br />

Utrecht: François Halma. 1692.<br />

Q34. Witsius, Herman (1636-1708), Meletemata Leidensia. Quibus<br />

Continentur Praelectiones de Vita et Rebus Gestis Pauli<br />

Apostoli [...]. Leiden: Jordaan Luchtmans. 1703.<br />

Q35. Witsius, Herman (1636-1708), Exercitationes Sacrae in Symbolum Quod<br />

Apostolorum Dicitur et in Orationem Dominicam. Franeker:<br />

Johannis Gyselaar. 1689.<br />

O73. Wittichius, Christophorus (1625-1687), Causa Spiritus Sancti Victrix<br />

Demonstrata. Leiden: Cornelis Boutesteyn. 1682.<br />

Q140. Wolf, Johann Christophor (1683-1739), Curae Philologicae et Criticae<br />

in IV. S[criptura] S[acra] Evangelica et Actus Apostolicos [...]<br />

Hamburg: Kisner. 1733.<br />

O88. Wollaston, William (1660-1724), The Religion <strong>of</strong> Nature Delineated.<br />

London: Knapton. 1750. Seventh edition.<br />

F9. Zanchius, Jerome (1516-1590), Opera Theologica. Geneva: Stephanus<br />

Gamonet. 1613. 3 Volumes.<br />

Q107. Zandyk, Bernhardus (1680-1727), Verklaringe van het Drie-en-Vyftigste<br />

Ho<strong>of</strong>tstuk van Jesaias Godtspraken, Nevens eene Verhandeling<br />

van de Geneezinge des Melaatschen, Zoals die Wort Verhaalt<br />

Mattheus VIII. Vers 2 tot 4. en eene Redenvoeringe Gedaan by<br />

Gelegentheyt van het H. Avontmaal. Amsterdam: Adrianus<br />

Douci. 1745. Edited by Theodorus Van Schelluyne. found<br />

Q90. Zimmermann, Johann Jakob ( 1695-1756), Dissertatio in Qua Probatur<br />

Examen Religionis quod Secundum Protestantium Principia,<br />

Omnibus est Instituedum [...] Zürich: David Gessner. 1745.<br />

[8º]<br />

In his handwritten Register <strong>of</strong> Books, Westerlo skipped 116, 131-139, and 176<br />

among the quartos, and 64 and 128 among the octavos.<br />


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