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Retours d’expériences Big Data en entreprise<br />

The results illustrated in this article are specific to the particular situations, business models, data input, and<br />

computing environments described herein. Each SAS customer’s experience is unique based on business and<br />

technical variables and all statements must be considered non-typical. Actual savings, results, and performance<br />

characteristics will vary depending on individual customer configurations and conditions. SAS does not guarantee<br />

or represent that every customer will achieve similar results. The only warranties for SAS products and services are<br />

those that are set forth in the express warranty statements in the written agreement for such products and services.<br />

Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. Customers have shared their successes<br />

with SAS as part of an agreed-upon contractual exchange or project success summarization following a successful<br />

implementation of SAS software. Brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies.<br />



To operate in the crowded telecommunications industry, service providers must answer the call for speed and availability<br />

millions of times each day. To prosper, they have to pick up the phone before it ever rings.<br />

As Italy’s largest telecommunications provider, and with a notable presence in Latin America, Telecom Italia always<br />

looks for ways to improve customer experience. That means delivering the reliable service that subscribers expect<br />

today – and knowing which offers they will expect tomorrow.<br />

“ We’re very impressed in terms of the usability and flexibility – and time to market, too – of SAS Visual Analytics. ”<br />

Fabrizio Bellezza, Vice President of National Wholesale Services and Head of Market Development<br />


As part of a program to improve customer experience for its 32 million mobile subscribers, the company had to<br />

extend and reinforce its ability to monitor network service. To make sense of the enormous amount of unique and<br />

varied data at its disposal, Telecom Italia turned to SAS for a way to make wise decisions quickly based on up-tothe-minute<br />

trends.<br />

“We need to be able to respond quickly with new and improved offerings to our customers, and to analyze the<br />

impact of these offers for the foreseeable future,” says Fabrizio Bellezza, Vice President of National Wholesale<br />

Services and Head of Market Development at Telecom Italia. “Analysis that is valuable and makes sense today<br />

may be irrelevant tomorrow. And we need to see well beyond tomorrow.”<br />

To understand how it stacks up to the competition, Telecom Italia needed to define and analyze key performance<br />

indicators for mobile network voice and data traffic. In a fast-changing market filled with devices and applications<br />

running on different generations of technology, what’s relevant today might not be tomorrow. And beating the competition<br />

means always knowing the right offer for each customer at the right time.<br />


With SAS® Visual Analytics, business executives at Telecom Italia can compare the performance between all<br />

operators for a key indicator – such as accessibility or percentage of dropped calls – on a single screen for a quick<br />

overview of pertinent strengths and weaknesses.<br />

Using SAS, Telecom Italia adds in-memory analytics and advanced data visualization to the provider’s geomarketing<br />

system, simplifying the decision-support and operational processes that go into technical and commercial<br />

planning. “SAS Visual Analytics supports us in identifying network shortcomings and making fast improvements,”<br />

Bellezza says. “It also allows us to calculate the statistical correlations between various KPIs for more effective<br />

further analysis.<br />

“SAS Visual Analytics has allowed us to identify profitable areas that we can strengthen in terms of infrastructure<br />

and services to be marketed.”<br />


A company whose leadership has always understood the role of sophisticated analytics in monitoring network traffic<br />

and performance, in addition to spotting trends, Telecom Italia has used SAS since the 1990s.<br />

SAS Visual Analytics allows Telecom Italia to analyze a range of KPIs at different levels of aggregation for both<br />

voice and data traffic. These can be viewed on a single screen and can include:<br />

• Accessibility<br />

• Drop rate<br />

• Call setup time<br />

• Data throughput<br />

Document réalisé par la Société Corp Events - Janvier 2015<br />


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