The Marines, Counterinsurgency, and Strategic Culture

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Index 303

122, 224–25, 230, 235–36, 245–46;

early withdrawal from, 247–48,

272; excess of force in, 98; Fallujah

battles, 225–30; intelligence assets

during, 224, 238, 246, 258–59; large

sweep operations, 230–33; lessons

applied during, 233–39; lessons

learned from, 2, 256–81; Marine

mantra and, 213; Marine view of,

129; media role in, 227–30, 233, 277;

nation-building in, 266; patience and

moral high ground, 236–39; reentry,

lessons for, 224–30; stability operations,

223–24; success, measures

of, 232, 251n81, 266; three-block

warfare in, 221; tribal cooperation

and, 241–45, 258–60, 272

irregular wars, 76–78, 150, 214n20. See

also counterinsurgencies

Islamic burials, 238

Israel Defense Forces (IDF), 27–28

Iwo Jima flag-raising, 65

J. Walter Thompson (advertising

agency), 5, 91, 174

jarhead, 59

Jiménez, Juan Isidro, 145

Johnson, Dominic, 31

Johnson, G. A., 214n20

Johnston, Alastair Iain, 30, 35n50

jointness, 25, 33

Joker One (Campbell), 224–25

junior officers, 124, 127, 173, 210–13,


Jurney, William, 244, 264, 272

Kaplan, Robert, 227

Katzenstein, Peter, 26

Keliipaakaua, Adam, 275

Kelly, John F.: on civic affairs and protection

of locals, 223–24; on Fallujah

plan, 226; on Iraqi people, protection

of, 231; on patrols, 237; on Sunni

Awakening, 236–37; on three-block

war, 221

Kent, Carlton W., 67

Kier, Elizabeth, 29–30

killer teams (KTs), 212

Kilmartin, Robert, 161, 164–65

Kincade, William, 2, 47

Klyman, Robert, 209–10

knowledge transfer, 203–4

Korean War, Marine Corps role in,


Kreuser, Clint, 86

Krulak, Charles, 55, 68, 120–21,


Krulak, Victor “Brute”: on adaptability,

119, 121; on Army’s dependence

on Marines, 84n122; on battle as

main focus, 128; on CAP Vietnam

program, 151, 193; on fighting valor,

67; First to Fight, 57, 61, 67, 119,

121; on frugality, 105; on Marine

superiority, 66; on paranoia, 131; on

recruits, 61; on survival of Marines

organization, 132–33

Landing Force Manual (Army), 206

landing operations. See amphibious

Marine operations

Lane, Rufus, 186–87

Langley, Lester, 205

language barriers, 168, 231

large sweep operations, 230–33

Larry Nicholson, 120–21

leadership: decentralized, 210–13;

junior officers and, 124, 127, 173,

210–13, 234–35; in Marine Corps,

123–28, 161, 210; paternalism and,

125; training for, 213. See also drill


Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife

(Nagl), 48

Leatherneck (newsletter), 78n1

leathernecks, 59, 68

Lee, Harry, 162

Lee, Oliver, 18, 39

legends: cultural competence in,

235–36; Fallujah battles as, 225; in

Haitian conflict, 145; identity and,

63–66; irregular wars and, 219;

professionalism and, 93–94; sources

of, 88–89

Legro, Jeffrey, 29

Leiker, Philip, 153

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