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bibliographie - Freie Universität Berlin

bibliographie - Freie Universität Berlin

bibliographie - Freie Universität Berlin


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during nonword processing<br />

in: Neuroreport. – 19 (2008), 1, S. 25–29<br />

1489<br />

Hutzler, F.; Braun, Mario M.; Jacobs, Arthur M.<br />

On the specificities of the inverted–optimal<br />

viewing position effect and their implications on<br />

models of eye movement control during reading<br />

in: Brain research. – 1239 (2008), S. 152–161<br />

1490<br />

Jacobs, Arthur M.; Nuerk, H.–C.; Graf, R.;<br />

Braun, Mario M.; Nazir, T.<br />

The initial capitalization superiority effect in<br />

German : evidence for a perceptual frequency<br />

variant of the orthographic cue hypothesis of<br />

visual word recognition<br />

in: Psychological research. – 72 (2008), 6, S.<br />

657–665<br />

1491<br />

Landerl, K.; Thaler, Verena; Reitsma, P.<br />

Spelling pronunciations : transforming irregularity<br />

into regularity<br />

in: Learning and instruction. – 18 (2008), S.<br />

295–308<br />

1492<br />

Nikulin, V.; Hohlefeld, F. U.; Jacobs, Arthur M.;<br />

Curio, G.<br />

The novel motor–cognitive approach<br />

”quasi–movements” in the context of<br />

brain–computer interfacing<br />

in: International journal of psychophysiology. – 69<br />

(2008), 3, S. 213–214<br />

1493<br />

Nikulin, V.; Hohlefeld, F. U.; Jacobs, Arthur M.;<br />

Curio, G.<br />

Quasi–movements : a novel motor–cognitive<br />

phenomenon<br />

in: Neuropsychologia. – 46 (2008), 2, S. 727–742<br />

1494<br />

Radach, R.; Jacobs, Arthur M.; Müller, H.<br />

Explorations in the language of perception and<br />

the perception of language<br />

in: Psychological research. – 72 (2008), 6, S.<br />

587–592<br />

1495<br />

Schneider, M.; Heine, Angela; Thaler, Verena;<br />

Torbeyns, J.; De Smedt, B.; Verschaffel, L.;<br />

FB Erziehungswissenschaft und Psychologie 147<br />

Jacobs, Arthur M.; Stern, E.<br />

A validation of eye movements as a measure of<br />

elementary school children’s developing number<br />

sense<br />

in: Cognitive development. – 23 (2008), S.<br />

424–437<br />

Auch frei zugänglich über die URL:<br />

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=Articl<br />

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2461043ce82d8cc6d92df2f0a171<br />

1496<br />

Stenneken, P.; Eimeren, L. van; Keller, I.;<br />

Jacobs, Arthur M.; Kerkhoff, G.<br />

Task–dependend modulation of neglect dyslexia?<br />

Novel evidence from the viewing position effect<br />

in: Brain research. – 1189 (2008), 16, S. 166–178<br />

1497<br />

Stenneken, P.; Hofmann, Markus J.; Jacobs,<br />

Arthur M.<br />

Sublexical units in aphasic jargon and in the<br />

standard language : comparative analyses of<br />

neologisms in connected speech<br />

in: Aphasiology. – 2008, 1, 1–15<br />

1498<br />

Thaler, Verena; Jacobs, Arthur M.<br />

Wie die Wirksamkeit objektiviert werden kann :<br />

empirische Kriterien für eine systematische<br />

Therapieevaluation<br />

in: Prävention und Rehabilitation. – 20 (2008), 3,<br />

S. 121–130<br />

1499<br />

Thaler, Verena; Landerl, K.; Reitsma, P.<br />

An evaluation of spelling pronunciations as a<br />

means of improving spelling of orthographic<br />

markers<br />

in: European journal of psychology of education.<br />

– 23 (2008), 1, S. 3–24<br />

1500<br />

Thaler, Verena; Waldvogel, A.; Jacobs, Arthur<br />

M.<br />

Alles zu spät oder doch nicht ganz? Effektive<br />

Rechtschreibtherapie im Erwachsenenalter – ein<br />

Fallbeispiel<br />

in: LeDy. – 2008, 3, S. 5–9

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