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bibliographie - Freie Universität Berlin

bibliographie - Freie Universität Berlin

bibliographie - Freie Universität Berlin


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GeoUnion Alfred–Wegener–Stiftung, 2008. – S.<br />

175 (Terra nostra ; 2008,2)<br />

5640<br />

Mischke, Steffen; Holmes, Jonathan A.<br />

Hrsg. von:<br />

Applications of lacustrine and marginal–marine<br />

ostracoda to palaeoenvironmental reconstruction<br />

: [selected papers from: 15th International<br />

Symposium on Ostracoda, <strong>Berlin</strong>, Germany,<br />

September 12 – 15, 2005] / ed. by Steffen<br />

Mischke ... – Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier, 2008. –<br />

IV S., S. 211 – 337 (Palaeogeography,<br />

palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology ; 264,3/4 :<br />

special issue)<br />

5641<br />

Mischke, Steffen; Holmes, Jonathan A.<br />

Applications of lacustrine and marginal marine<br />

Ostracoda to palaeoenvironmental reconstruction<br />

: preface<br />

in: Applications of lacustrine and<br />

marginal–marine ostracoda to<br />

palaeoenvironmental reconstruction : [selected<br />

papers from: 15th International Symposium on<br />

Ostracoda, <strong>Berlin</strong>, Germany, September 12 – 15,<br />

2005] / ed. by Steffen Mischke ... – Amsterdam<br />

[u.a.]: Elsevier, 2008. – S. 211–212<br />

(Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology,<br />

palaeoecology ; 264,3/4 : special issue)<br />

5642<br />

Mischke, Steffen; Kramer, M.; Zhang,<br />

Chengjun; Shang, H.; Herzschuh, U.;<br />

Erzinger, J.<br />

Reduced early Holocene moisture availability in<br />

the Bayan Har Mountains, northeastern Tibetan<br />

Plateau, inferred from a multiproxy lake record<br />

in: Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology,<br />

palaeoecology. – 267 (2008), S. 59–76<br />

5643<br />

Mischke, Steffen; Rajabov, I.; Mustaeva, N.;<br />

Zhang, Chengjun; Boomer, I.; Sherlock, S. C.;<br />

Myrbo, A.; Noren, A.; Brady, K.; Herzschuh,<br />

U.; Schudack, Michael E.; Ito, E.<br />

The potential of Lake Karakul in the eastern<br />

Pamirs as a long–term climate archive<br />

in: Eos. – 89 (2008), 53, Fall meeting suppl.,<br />

Abstract Nr. GC51A–0654<br />

Auch frei zugänglich über die URL:<br />

http://www.agu.org/meetings/fm08/waisfm08.html<br />

FB Geowissenschaften 539<br />

5644<br />

Mischke, Steffen; Zhang, Chengjun; Börner,<br />

Anko<br />

Bias of ostracod stable isotope data caused by<br />

drying of sieve residues from water<br />

in: Journal of paleolimnology. – 40 (2008), S.<br />

567–575<br />

DOI: 10.1007/s10933–007–9160–8<br />

5645<br />

Mischke, Steffen; Zhang, Chengjun<br />

A laminated tufa carbonate from the mid<br />

Holocene of the Qilian Mountains and its<br />

potential for palaeoclimate inferences<br />

in: Episodes. – 31 (2008), S. 401–407<br />

5646<br />

Nakagawa, T.; Okuda, M.; Yonenobu, H.;<br />

Norio, M.; Toshiyuki, F.; Gotanda, K.; Tarasov,<br />

P. E.; Yoshimune, M.; Takemura, K.; Shoji, N.<br />

Regulation of the monsoon climate by two<br />

different orbital rhythms and forcing mechanisms<br />

in: Geology. – 36 (2008), 6, S. 491–494<br />

5647<br />

Oheimb, P. von; Heiler, K. C. M.; Albrecht, C.;<br />

Riedel, Frank; Wilke, Thomas<br />

Multiple postglacial colonization events of<br />

western Patagonia by the freshwater gastropod<br />

genus Chilina (Hygrophila, Chilinidae)<br />

in: Deutsche Zoologische Gesellschaft: Abstracts<br />

: annual meeting. – 101 (2008), S. 135<br />

5648<br />

Peyron, O.; Bordon, A.; Vignot, A.; Damy, S.;<br />

Combourieu–Nebout, N.; Brewer, S.; Tarasov,<br />

P. E.; Barboni, D.<br />

A modern pollen–climate database as a tool for<br />

quantitative climate and vegetation<br />

reconstructions<br />

in: IPC : Abstract volume :<br />

August 30 – September 5, 2008 in Bonn,<br />

Germany / 12th International Palynological<br />

Congress (IPC–XII) ; 8th International<br />

Organisation of Palaeobotany Conference<br />

(IOPC–VIII). [Ed.: Christof Ellger]. – <strong>Berlin</strong>:<br />

GeoUnion Alfred–Wegener–Stiftung, 2008. – S.<br />

221 (Terra nostra ; 2008,2)<br />

5649<br />

Pienkowski, G.; Schudack, Michael E.<br />

Climate evolution (Jurassic)

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