Mythic Vistas: SpirosBlaak - Property Is Theft!

Mythic Vistas: SpirosBlaak - Property Is Theft!

Mythic Vistas: SpirosBlaak - Property Is Theft!


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penalty. In addition, you only need make a DC 20 Swim check<br />

every four hours to avoid fatigue. In addition, you can hold<br />

your breath for a number of rounds equal to four times your<br />

Constitution score.<br />

Normal: Swim checks are subject to double the normal armor<br />

check penalty and encumbrance penalty. In addition, you must<br />

make a DC 20 Swim check each hour or take 1d6 points of<br />

nonlethal damage from fatigue. A character can hold his breath for<br />

a number of rounds equal to twice his Constitution score.<br />

Exotic Weapon Proficiency<br />

(Dwarven Axe Musket) (General)<br />

You are familiar with the use of the dwarven axe musket, both as a<br />

melee weapon and as a firearm.<br />

Prerequisites: Firearms Proficiency, base aack bonus +1.<br />

Benefit: You suffer no aack penalty when using this weapon.<br />

Normal: A character who uses a dwarven axe musket without<br />

being proficient takes a –4 penalty on aack rolls (melee and<br />

ranged), the misfire range on his musket increases by +4, and if a<br />

misfire occurs the degree of severity of a misfire roll on Table 11–9:<br />

Firearm Misfire Results increases by one step.<br />

Special: A fighter may select Exotic Weapon Proficiency (dwarven<br />

axe musket) as a fighter bonus feat.<br />

Fast Healing (Kav)<br />

You heal miraculously fast.<br />

Prerequisites: Any two Kav feats.<br />

Benefit: You gain fast healing 2. The fast healing special quality<br />

allows you to regains hit points at an exceptionally fast rate. Except<br />

where noted here, fast healing is just like natural healing. Fast<br />

healing does not restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or<br />

suffocation, and it does not allow you to regrow lost body parts.<br />

Favored Enemy (General)<br />

You are adept at opposing a specific type of creature, whether in<br />

combat or when using certain skills.<br />

Benefit: Select a creature type from the following list: aberration,<br />

animal, construct, dragon, elemental, fey, giant, humanoid (aquatic),<br />

humanoid (dwarf), humanoid (elf), humanoid (goblinoid),<br />

humanoid (gnoll), humanoid (gnome), humanoid (halfling),<br />

humanoid (human), humanoid (orc), humanoid (reptilian),<br />

humanoid (shapechanger), magical beast, monstrous humanoid,<br />

ooze, outsider (air), outsider (chaotic), outsider (earth), outsider<br />

(evil), outsider (fire), outsider (good), outsider (lawful), outsider<br />

(native), outsider (water), plant, undead, vermin. You gain a +2<br />

bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks<br />

when using these skills against creatures of this type. Likewise, you<br />

get a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against such creatures. If a<br />

specific creature falls into more than one category of favored enemy,<br />

the bonuses do not stack; use whichever bonus is higher.<br />

Special: This feat can be taken multiple times, selecting a new<br />

favored enemy each time. Its effects stack with the ranger ability of<br />

the same name.<br />

Fearful Presence (Kav)<br />

You instill fear in others by projecting your animal nature.<br />

Prerequisites: Cha 13, Intimidate 8 ranks.<br />

Benefit: You may use the demoralize opponent feature of the Intimidate<br />

skill as a swi action (see page 100). Also, the target remains shaken<br />

for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma bonus (minimum<br />

1 round). Once a target has been affected by Fearful Presence, it is<br />

immune to further incidences of these effects for 24 hours.<br />

Chapter Ten: Skills & Feats 111<br />

Firearms Proficiency (General)<br />

You are familiar with the use and maintenance of flintlock<br />

blunderbusses, muskets, pistols and the like.<br />

Prerequisites: Base aack bonus +1.<br />

Benefit: You make aack rolls with the weapon normally.<br />

Normal: A character who uses a firearm without being proficient<br />

takes a –4 penalty on aack rolls, the misfire range on his musket<br />

increases by +4, and if a misfire occurs the degree of severity of a<br />

misfire roll on Table 11–9: Firearm Misfire Results increases by<br />

one step.<br />

Special: You need not take this weapon proficiency for each<br />

type of firearm; their use is so similar, unless otherwise noted, this<br />

proficiency covers all firearms.<br />

A fighter may select Firearms Proficiency as a fighter bonus feat.<br />

Optional: The GM may allow clerics, fighters, rangers, paladins,<br />

and warriors to receive this feat free in place of the Armor<br />

Proficiency (medium or heavy) normally granted them.<br />

Form Mastery (Animal) (Kav)<br />

You spent so much of your time in animal form you are more<br />

accustomed to it than you are to your other shapes.<br />

Benefit: You take a –1 competence penalty to all aacks, saves,<br />

and checks while in hybrid or humanoid form, but gain a +1<br />

competence bonus to aacks, saves, and checks while in animal<br />

form. In addition, you can change into animal form from humanoid<br />

or hybrid as a swi action (see page 100).<br />

Special: You may not choose this feat if you have previously<br />

gained Form Mastery (humanoid) or (hybrid).<br />

Form Mastery (Humanoid) (Kav)<br />

You feel most comfortable as a humanoid, with both your hybrid<br />

and animal forms proving difficult and uncomfortable. Some of the<br />

traits and abilities you would enjoy as a lycanthrope bleed through<br />

to your humanoid form, as you channel your feral instincts to your<br />

humanoid psyche.

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