Mythic Vistas: SpirosBlaak - Property Is Theft!

Mythic Vistas: SpirosBlaak - Property Is Theft!

Mythic Vistas: SpirosBlaak - Property Is Theft!


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technology originate. Spirans and dwarves are the next most likely<br />

races, as both co-opted the knowledge from the despicable goblins.<br />

Few other races find this class appealing.<br />

Other Classes<br />

Technologists have little use for the superstitions of prophets,<br />

wizards, clerics, and other spellcasters. They believe the divine<br />

will manifests in their superior craft. Their derision generally<br />

extends to any who rely on spells to augment their natural<br />

talents. Fighters, barbarians, and other martial classes have their<br />

uses, although usually as guards or servants. No technologist,<br />

though, is above relying on a rogue to acquire the necessary<br />

components for their next project, whether attained legitimately<br />

or criminally.<br />

Game Rule Information<br />

Technologists have the following game statistics.<br />

Abilities: Technologists need a high Intelligence score for nearly<br />

all of their class features. Dexterity is also useful to supplement the<br />

fact that they don’t oen wear armor. Like arcane spellcasters, a<br />

technologist also benefits from a high Constitution<br />

Alignment: Any.<br />

Hit Die: d6.<br />

Class Skills<br />

The technologist’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are<br />

Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), Cra (Int), Disable Device<br />

(Int), Knowledge (architecture and engineering) (Int), Knowledge<br />

(technology) (Int)*, Open Lock (Dex), Profession (Wis), Search (Int),<br />

and Use Magic Device (Cha). See Chapter Four: Skills in the PHB<br />

for skill descriptions. *See Chapter Ten: Skills & Feats in this book<br />

for a description of this new class skill.<br />

Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4.<br />

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier.<br />

Class Features<br />

All of the following are class features of the technologist.<br />

Weapon and Armor Proficiency<br />

The technologist is proficient with all simple weapons and light<br />

armor, but not with shields.<br />

Expert Crafter (Ex)<br />

Technologists are skilled in taking things apart and puing them<br />

back together again. At 1st level, technologists gain a +2 insight<br />

bonus to all Cra and Disable Device checks.<br />

Gadgets (Ex)<br />

The hallmark of the technologist’s skill is his ability to construct<br />

interesting, useful, and sometimes strange devices. Gadgets are<br />

similar to spells in that they allow the technologist to create amazing<br />

effects. What differentiates these effects from spells, however, is that<br />

they are technologically developed. In short, the technologist builds<br />

a device (this is up to the player) that occupies a normal magic item<br />

space (cloak, helmet, etc.) and generates a quasi-magical effect.<br />

The technologist begins play with one 0-level gadget (see<br />

Chapter Twelve: Magic for a complete list of gadget effects).<br />

The technologist can use any gadget three times per day. The<br />

Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a technologist’s gadget<br />

is 10 + the gadget level + the technologist’s Intelligence modifier.<br />

The technologist’s caster level for these effects equals his class<br />

level. The technologist does not get bonus gadgets for a high<br />

Intelligence modifier, and the numbers of gadgets on Table 8–6:<br />

The Technologist are fixed.<br />

Chapter Eight: Character Classes<br />

As the technologist gains levels, he can expand the number<br />

of his gadgets as indicated on Table 8–6: The Technologist. The<br />

technologist does not automatically gain the gadget; he must<br />

construct it. The slots on the table reflect the minimum level at<br />

which the technologist may build a new device.<br />

To construct a gadget, the technologist must Cra it using a<br />

relevant Cra (technology). The gadget has a price in gp equal to the<br />

level of the gadget x 400 (0-level gadgets count as 1/2 level), and the<br />

technologist must pay half (not a third) this price in raw materials<br />

before making Cra checks. The Cra DC to make the gadget equals<br />

20 + the gadget level. See Chapter Ten: Skills & Feats in this book<br />

and Chapter Four: Skills in the PHB for details on the Cra skill.<br />

The constructed gadget can look like anything the technologist<br />

desires, but its appearance should reflect its nature. For example,<br />

a gadget replicating the effects of bull’s strength may be a pair of<br />

hydraulic-powered gloves, or another offering levitation may be<br />

a set of pulley-driven fans, pushing the technologist into the air.<br />

Regardless of the gadget and its effects, each gadget can have just<br />

one function.<br />

A gadget has a hardness equal to 1d6 + the technologist’s<br />

Intelligence modifier, and a number of hit points equal to 5 times the<br />

gadget level (with 0-level equal to 1/2 level).<br />

For example, Megriz, a Witch Hill goblin, advances to 2nd level.<br />

He gains the capacity to build an additional 0-level gadget. The<br />

gadget costs 200 gp (1/2 times 400 gp = 200 gp). He wants to work<br />

on his device while adventuring, so he tracks his progress by the<br />

day. He follows the steps as outlined in the Cra skill (as described<br />

in the PHB).<br />

1. The gadget costs 2,000 sp.<br />

2. The gadget has a DC of 20.<br />

3. He pays 1,000 sp in raw materials (half of the price).<br />

4. He makes a Cra (technology) check representing one week’s<br />

work. If the check succeeds, he multiplies his check result by<br />

the DC. If the result × the DC equals the price of the item in<br />

sp, then he completes the item. (If the result × the DC equals<br />

double or triple the price of the item in silver pieces, then he<br />

completes the task in one-half or one-third of the time. Other<br />

multiples of the DC reduce the time in the same manner.) If<br />

the result × the DC doesn’t equal the price, then it represents<br />

the progress he’s made this week. The result is recorded and<br />

he makes a new Cra check for the next week. Each week, he<br />

makes more progress until his total reaches the price of the<br />

item in silver pieces. If he fails the check by 4 or less, he makes<br />

no progress in the week. If he fails by 5 or more, he ruins half<br />

the raw materials and has to pay half the original raw material<br />

cost again. A technologist may take 10 on these rolls.<br />

Natural Alchemist (Ex)<br />

In general, technologists disdain magic, seeing it as a crutch for the<br />

mind. Given their distaste for sorcery, technologists look to other<br />

means to create alchemical items. Through innovative chemical<br />

compounds and solutions, technologists learn to replicate the<br />

alchemical items normally reserved for spellcasters. Technologists<br />

of 2nd level or higher may manufacture alchemical items without<br />

having to have a level in a spellcasting class.<br />

Dismantling Strike (Ex)<br />

A 3rd-level technologist knows just where to strike to break an<br />

object or animated object. If a technologist studies a construct or<br />

object for 1 round and then makes an aack with a melee weapon<br />

that successfully deals damage, his aack deals an additional<br />

+1d6 points of damage. While studying his target, the technologist<br />

can take no other action, fixed as he is by his scrutiny. This bonus<br />

damage increases by +1d6 at 7th level, and every four levels

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