Mythic Vistas: SpirosBlaak - Property Is Theft!

Mythic Vistas: SpirosBlaak - Property Is Theft!

Mythic Vistas: SpirosBlaak - Property Is Theft!


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56<br />

Alignment: Usually neutral<br />

Advancement: 7–9 HD (Medium); 10–12 HD (Large)<br />

Level Adjustment: +3 (cohort)<br />

A strange green creature emerges, something of a cross between a great cat<br />

and a ferocious lizard. Its body is covered in scales except for small tus of<br />

hair around its shoulders and hindquarters. Its claws and fangs shine with<br />

a silver hue.<br />

Believed to have been mystically created and bred by the Church<br />

of Spiros shortly aer Vas’ near destruction by the Witch Lords,<br />

shelzeen are hunters of kav and arcane spellcasters. They are highly<br />

sought, with buyers willing to pay exorbitant amounts to acquire<br />

these beasts. The Dark Riders and witchfinders of Vas are both<br />

known to keep large kennels of shelzeen to aid in their hunts.<br />

Combat<br />

A shelzeen uses its tail to trip its foe before leaping upon it to tear<br />

with fangs and claws.<br />

Huge Construct<br />

Hit Dice: 20d10+30 (140 hp)<br />

Initiative: –2<br />

Speed: 20 . (4 squares; can’t run)<br />

Armor Class: 29 (–2 size, –2 Dex, +23 natural) touch 6, flat-footed 31<br />

Base Aack/Grapple: +14/+32<br />

Aack: Large greataxe +24 melee (3d6+13/19-20/x3), or slam +23<br />

melee (2d8+9); or sphere hurler +12 ranged (6d6)<br />

Full Aack: Large greataxe +24/+19/+14 melee (3d6+13/19-20/x3), or<br />

2 slams +23 melee (2d8+9); or 2 sphere hurlers +12 ranged (6d6)<br />

Space/Reach: 15 ./15 .<br />

Special Aacks: Breath weapon, sphere hurlers<br />

Special Qualities: Construct traits, damage reduction 5/adamantine,<br />

darkvision 60 ., limited regeneration, magic immunity, soul<br />

crystal<br />

Saves: Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +6<br />

Abilities: Str 28, Dex 7, Con –, Int 10*, Wis 8*, Cha 10*<br />

Skills: Listen +2, Spot +4, Speak Language (Ancient Dwarven)<br />

Feats: Awesome Blow, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush,<br />

Improved Critical (greataxe), Power Aack, Weapon Focus<br />

(greataxe)<br />

Environment: Any land<br />

Organization: Solitary or small company (2–5)<br />

Challenge Rating: 14<br />

Treasure: None<br />

Alignment: As the empowering dwarf soul<br />

Advancement: —<br />

Level Adjustment: —<br />

This 15-foot-tall metal construct has clunky gears working at its joints,<br />

protected by bulbous plates. The armored visor of the war golem’s head can<br />

rise up, revealing a mouth-like tube from which billowing flames spill forth.<br />

Built with the proportions of a dwarf, a war golem is about as<br />

broad in the shoulders as it is tall. Perhaps the most noticeable<br />

characteristic of the war golem, aside from its immense greataxe, is<br />

the large, multi-faceted, pulsating green crystal resting squarely in<br />

its torso, its foreboding green light echoed in the glow of its eyes.<br />

The enchanted crystal is the construct’s fuel source and its<br />

controlling intelligence, the gem containing the soul of a dwarf who<br />

dies during the golem’s construction. The ritual to infuse the crystal<br />

with a dwarven soul instills the best aspects of the volunteer’s<br />

Chapter Six: Monsters of the Archduchy<br />

Silvered Natural Weapons (Ex): A shelzeen’s claws and fangs<br />

are made of solid, durable silver. For the purpose of overcoming<br />

damage reduction, the shelzeen’s natural aacks count as silver.<br />

Tail Trip (Ex): Instead of using its tail to make a damaging aack,<br />

a shelzeen can opt to trip its foe with a +2 competence bonus to<br />

the trip aempt. If the aempt fails, the target doesn’t then get to<br />

try tripping the shelzeen if the laer has all four of its paws on the<br />

ground. If the trip succeeds, the shelzeen may make an immediate<br />

aack of opportunity with its bite aack.<br />

Limited Telepathy (Su): Shelzeen may communicate with<br />

telepathy, but only among themselves, allowing them to coordinate<br />

their aacks with deadly precision.<br />

Track Arcane (Su): Shelzeen have the benefit of an uncanny magical<br />

sense, allowing them to track by sensing the magical residue le by<br />

spellcasters or creatures with spell-like and supernatural abilities. When<br />

using the Track feat to follow one of these types of creatures, a shelzeen<br />

can move at half its normal speed without penalty, or up to twice its<br />

normal speed with only a –10 penalty. In addition, it gains a +6 racial<br />

bonus to Survival checks made to track these kinds of prey.<br />

War Golem<br />

personality into the machine: his loyalty, courage, and devotion<br />

to his people. Thus those chosen to animate war golems are oen<br />

heroic warriors in their twilight years, although in times of great<br />

peril dwarves who are still in the prime of their lives have also been<br />

selected.<br />

Unfortunately, the ritual strips away the dwarf’s memories,<br />

leaving the controlling intelligence of the war golem with a base<br />

personality capable of doing as it is told for the defense of its people<br />

but not much else. There are, however, unconfirmed tales of war<br />

golems who regained their lost memories and personality, in part,<br />

or entirely.<br />

When not needed for the defense of their race, these powerful<br />

machines are oen sequestered, inert, in vaulted armories or other<br />

hiding places until needed. Sometimes great tragedies wipe out<br />

entire cities and strongholds before the war golems can be awakened<br />

and called to arms, leaving them in their unknowing slumber until<br />

someone unwiingly wakes them.<br />

Combat<br />

A war golem fights intelligently, surging forward to engage in melee,<br />

pretending to be an unthinking machine. When its opponents are<br />

suitably fooled, it unleashes its breath weapon, and against those<br />

who survive, it chops with its enormous weapon or pummels with<br />

its sphere hurlers.<br />

Breath Weapon (Su): A war golem can breath a 25-foot cone of<br />

fire, up to three times per day, dealing 10d10 points of fire damage.<br />

Reflex DC 20 halves. The save DC is Constitution-based.<br />

Sphere Hurlers (Su): On each side of the golem’s chest, mounted<br />

on the large shoulder plates, are 3-inch diameter iron spheres half<br />

buried in the construct’s armor. Every four rounds the golem can fire<br />

one or both spheres with a thunderous, smoking boom. The spheres<br />

have a 10-foot range increment, and count as magical and adamantine<br />

weapons for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.<br />

If a sphere reduces a target to 0 or lower hit points, the sphere<br />

continues on its path to aack any targets in a line from the war<br />

golem, beyond the initial victim. The sphere continues until it misses<br />

or does not reduce a target to 0 hit points. Each aack aer the first<br />

takes a –5 penalty to the aack roll, in addition to any range penalties.<br />

Limited Regeneration (Su): A mending spell repairs 1 point of<br />

damage to either the metal form or soul crystal for every three<br />

levels of its caster. A make whole spell repairs 2d6 points of damage.

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