Technology and Terminology of Knapped Stone - IRIT

Technology and Terminology of Knapped Stone - IRIT

Technology and Terminology of Knapped Stone - IRIT


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ENGLISH :<br />


translated by L. Raposo :<br />

abrasion : abrasâo<br />

abrupt : abrupto(a)<br />

addition : acrescento<br />

alternate : alterno<br />

alternating : alternante<br />

angle (<strong>of</strong> retouch) :<br />

inclinaçâo<br />

angle de chasse : ángulo de<br />

lascamento<br />

anvil : bigorna<br />

apex (<strong>of</strong> a pyramidal core) :<br />

vértice de pirámide<br />

arris : nervura<br />

atypical : atípico<br />

back : dorso<br />

backed : abatido<br />

base : base<br />

bifacial : bifacial<br />

blade : lamina<br />

bladelet : lámela<br />

blank : suporte<br />

blunting : embotado, gasto<br />

break : fractura<br />

bulb : bolbo<br />

bulb scars : esquirolament o<br />

do bolbo<br />

burin blow technique : buril<br />

(técnica do golpe de)<br />

burin facet : facet a<br />

burin spall : resto de buril<br />

(resto característic o<br />

resultante do golpe de buril)<br />

burin tip : bisel do buril<br />

butt : ta là o<br />

canted : inclinado<br />

carène, carénage : caren a<br />

(carenagem)<br />

chapeau de gendarme :<br />

chapéu de gendarme<br />

cintrage : arco ,<br />

arqueamento ou curvatura<br />

clactonian : clactonense<br />

conchoid : conchóide<br />

cone : cone<br />

conjoining (flakes) : junçâo<br />

continuous : contínuo(a)<br />

core : núcleo<br />

core tablet, rejuvenation core<br />

flake : placa or tablette d e<br />

reavivamento ou de<br />

avivamento<br />

core-like : nucleiforme<br />

184<br />

cortex : cortex<br />

cortex removal:<br />

descorticamento<br />

cortical: cortica l<br />

cortical reserved zone :<br />

reserva cortica l<br />

covering : cobridor(a)<br />

crest: crist a<br />

crested blade : lamina d e<br />

crista, ver crista<br />

crossed : cruzada<br />

crutch : muleta<br />

compressora, pua<br />

compressora<br />

debitage : debitagem<br />

debitage axis : eixo de<br />

debitagem ou de lascamento<br />

debitage products : produt o<br />

de debitagem ou de<br />

lascamento<br />

debris : residuo<br />

delineation : delinea^ao<br />

denticulated : denticulado<br />

diacritical diagram :<br />

esquema diacritic o<br />

dihedral: diedr o<br />

direct: directo(a )<br />

direction line : tra^o,<br />

tracejado<br />

discontinuous :<br />

descontinuo(a)<br />

distal: dista l<br />

distribution : reparti^ao<br />

edge : bordo<br />

end-scraper front: frent e d e<br />

raspadeira<br />

extent: extensa o<br />

face : face<br />

facetted : facetado<br />

first flake : lasca inicial<br />

flake : lasca<br />

flaked surface : superficie s<br />

debitadas, superficie s<br />

lascadas<br />

flaking angle : angulo d e<br />

extrac^ao, angulo externo<br />

flat, plain: liso(a )<br />

fluted : canelado(a),<br />

adelga£ado(a) po r meio de<br />

canelura(s)<br />

fracture : fractura<br />

fracture front: frent e d e<br />

fractura<br />

fragment: fragment o<br />

gloss : lustro<br />

hackle : lanceta<br />

hammer : percutor<br />

heat treatment: tratament o<br />

termico, ver calor<br />

hinged : reflectido(a),<br />

revertido(a)<br />

impact point: pont o d e<br />

impacto<br />

indirect: indirecto(a )<br />

industry : industria<br />

invasive : invasor(a)<br />

inverse : inverso(a)<br />

Janus (flake) : Janus (lasca),<br />

see Kombew a<br />

knapping accident: acident e<br />

de talhe<br />

knapping, knapped : talhe,<br />

talhado(a)<br />

Kombewa (method):<br />

Kombewa (metodo )<br />

Levallois (method) :<br />

Levallois (metodo )<br />

linear : linear<br />

lip : labio<br />

localization : localiza^ao<br />

low angle : rasante<br />

mesial: mesia l<br />

method : metodo<br />

microburin : microburil<br />

morphological axis : eixo<br />

morfologico<br />

morphology : morfologia<br />

nacelle : nacelle (fractur a<br />

em forma de canoa)<br />

negative bulb : contra-bolb o<br />

negative <strong>of</strong> removal, scar :<br />

negativo de levantamento<br />

nose : focinho<br />

notch : entalhe<br />

orientation : orientagao<br />

overhang : cornija<br />

parallel: paralelo(a )<br />

partial: parcia l<br />

patina : patina<br />

pecking : bojardagem<br />

percussion : percussao<br />

piquant-triedre : apice<br />

triedrico<br />

plunging : ultrapassado

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