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ََُُُِْ20 <strong>With</strong> <strong>Love</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> sa the Khātam-un-NabiyyīnKhan find himself in disagreement, we present two examplesbelow which show that the word khātam was used <strong>to</strong> mean ringand the seal of authentication by the Holy Prophet <strong>Muhammad</strong> sahimself at the time of the revelation of the Holy Qur’ān.Khātam used <strong>to</strong> mean ring:َ اتِ‎ َ ّ بِ‏ُ َّ ارaً‎a َ aب ْ ُ َ َ نْ‏َ ُ َ رa َّ ث aَِ حَ‏ َبa َّ َّ ثَّ ثۃِ‏a َ َِ َ ۃa َ أبaِ‎رَ‏ aکً‏ َِ َ a نْ‏a aبْنِ‏ a‏َسً‏ َ a نْ‏أa بْنِ‏ a ْ a َ نْ‏رِ‏ ِرِ‏‏َمِ‏ aaَa َ نْ‏ a أ‏َّہ aاa aااللهُ‏ َّ َ a َّ َ َ َ َa مَ‏ َ َa نْ‏a عَ‏ َ رa اَّ ْ a عَ‏ َ َ ۃa َ a‏َاa ب ْ ُ َ a ُ نْ‏ َ روa ْ َ a َ َاذَّ‏ َ بِ‏ِ َِ ِ ث َْ ہُ‏‏ْمِ‏ aاذححaبخاری،‏aباب aخَ‏ و‏ْنُ‏‏َاa‏ْد حَ‏ د‏َاaaب حَ‏ دحَ‏ د دُ‏اَّ بَ‎‏َّبِ‎‏ّ‏‏ْہِ‏ aو‏ْہاالله‏َاد‏َۃ ‏َت‏َر‏َال أخْ‏ بوِ بَ‎رٍ‏ اa‏َۃa‏ْر‏َاد‏َترخَ‏ ات“Hazrat Abū Hurairah ra narrated: The Holy Prophet sa forbadethe wearing of a gold ring (khātam).” 5Khātam used <strong>to</strong> mean a seal of authentication:‏َم اء‏ُخ‏َمaححaبخاری،‏aباب اتخاذِ‏ aاخَ‏ اتألِ‏ ِاa ت‏َاد‏َۃa ‏َت‏َاaaأبaِ‎إ‏َا ‏ًس حَ‏ د‏َاa َ آد مُ‏ aبْنُ‏حَ‏ د‏َّبِ‎‏ْہa ‏َالرَ‎‏ْتُبَ‏ ‏َہُ‏ َّ‎‏ُمْ‏ ‏َنْ‏ ْaإذارُّ‏ ومa رَ‏ ءُ‏ واa‏ِتَابَکَ‏aبِہaإa‏ْنِ‏ aaٍ اaaأوُa‏ْتَبَ‏ ُأَ‎‏َسِ‏ aبہِ‏ َ aو أنَ‎‏ُنْ‏‏ُوَّ َ َ مَ‏َa ْ ختْ ت aبِہa ََ a ۃa َ نْ‏ َ نْ‏a َ aاالله ُ ّ َ a ُّaَ اa‏َمْ‏ب ْ ُ ََّ ثَ ادaا اaأر َ َ َّ a ََa a إaa‏َابِ‏ َaوa ِِر مْ‏ََّ ثa َ aاالله ُ َ َِ a ‏ِکً‏ ا َلa ِ aَإa 5Sahīh Bukhārī, Chapter: Gold Rings

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