the Symposium on Wheats for More Tropical Environments - cimmyt

the Symposium on Wheats for More Tropical Environments - cimmyt

the Symposium on Wheats for More Tropical Environments - cimmyt

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143References1. Adlakha, K, RD. Wilcoxs<strong>on</strong> andS.P. Raychaudhuri. 1984.Resistance of wheat to leaf spotcaused by Bipolaris sorokiniana.Plant Disease 68(4):320-321.2. Auster, M.Y., E. Levi and Z. Eyal.1983. Assessment of interacti<strong>on</strong>sbetween cultivated and wild wheatsand Septoria tritict. Phytopathology73:1077-1083.3. Christensen, J.J. 1925. Physiologicspecializati<strong>on</strong> and mutati<strong>on</strong> inHelminthosportum sativum.Phytopathology 15:785-795.4. Clark, RV., and J.G. Dicks<strong>on</strong>.1958. The influence of temperature<strong>on</strong> disease development in barleyinfected by Helminthosportumsativum. Phytopathology 48:305­310.5. Dubin. H.J. 1984. Regi<strong>on</strong>al and incountryactivities: Andean regi<strong>on</strong>.In Report <strong>on</strong> Wheat Improvement1981. CIMMYT, Mexico.6. Dubin, H.J., and S. Rajararn. 1982.CIMMYT's internati<strong>on</strong>al approachto breeding disease-resistant wheat.Plant Disease 66(10):967-971.7. Joshi, L.M., KK. Srivastava,D.V. Singh. L.B. Goel and S.Nagar~an. 1978. AnnotatedCompendium of Wheat Diseases inIndia. Indian Council <strong>on</strong>Agricultural Research, New Delhi,India.8. Knott, D.R. and J. Dv01ak. 1976.Alien germplasm as a source ofresistance to disease. AnnualReview of Phytopathology 14:211­235.9. Luz, W.C., G.C. Luzzardi andJ.C. Santiago. 1976. Pesquisa def<strong>on</strong>tes de resistencia a helminthosporiose(Helminthosporiumsativum P.KB.) do trigo. Paperpresented at <str<strong>on</strong>g>the</str<strong>on</strong>g> Eighth AnnualWheat Research Meeting,EMBRAPA. P<strong>on</strong>ta Grossa, Parana,Brazil.10. Mehta, Y.R 1978. Doencas do trigoe seu c<strong>on</strong>trole. Ed. Agr<strong>on</strong>omicaCeres, Sao Paulo e SummaPhytopathologica. Sao Paulo, Brazil.11. Mehta, Y.R. 1981. Identificati<strong>on</strong> ofraces of Helminthsoporiumsativum of wheat in Brazil.Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasiliera(Brasilia) 16(3):331-336.12. Mehta, Y.R 1981. C<strong>on</strong>idialproducti<strong>on</strong>, sporulati<strong>on</strong> period andextensi<strong>on</strong> of lesi<strong>on</strong> ofHelminthosporiumsativum <strong>on</strong> flag leaves ofwheat. Pesquisa AgropecuariaBrasiliera (Brasilia) 16(1):77-99.13. Rajararn, S., P. Brajcich andL. Butler. 1984. Bread wheatimprovement. In Report <strong>on</strong> WheatImprovement 1981. CIMMYT,Mexico.14. Saari. E.E. 1979. Wheat in <str<strong>on</strong>g>the</str<strong>on</strong>g>developing countries from <str<strong>on</strong>g>the</str<strong>on</strong>g>Atlantic to <str<strong>on</strong>g>the</str<strong>on</strong>g> Pacific. InProceedings of <str<strong>on</strong>g>the</str<strong>on</strong>g> Symposia of <str<strong>on</strong>g>the</str<strong>on</strong>g>Ninth Internati<strong>on</strong>al C<strong>on</strong>gress <strong>on</strong>Plant Protecti<strong>on</strong>, vol. II,T. Kommendahl, ed. Washingt<strong>on</strong>,D. C., USA.15. Srivastava, a.p., J.K. Luthra andP.N. Narula. 1971. Inheritance ofseedling resistance to leaf blight ofwheat. Indian Journal of GeneticPlant Breeding 31:209-211.

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