C•CURE 800/8000 Monitoring Station Guide - Tyco Security Products

C•CURE 800/8000 Monitoring Station Guide - Tyco Security Products

C•CURE 800/8000 Monitoring Station Guide - Tyco Security Products

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Glossarylogical or physical is sometimes subtle because the physical network (theactual layout of hardware and cabling) doesn’t necessarily resemble thelogical network (the path followed by transmissions).Example:A logical ring might include groups of computers cabled octopus-like tohardware “collection points” which, in turn, are cabled to one another. Insuch a network, even though the physical layout of computers andconnecting hardware might not visually resemble a ring, the logical layoutfollowed by network transmissions would, indeed, be circular.manual actionAn action performed by security personnel from the Event Monitor orGeneral Activity Monitor, such as locking or unlocking a door, activating ordeactivating an output or event, or disarming an input or event. Manualactions are not programmed beforehand by the C•CURE <strong>800</strong>/<strong>800</strong>0administrator.master controllerThe Master Controller is the iSTAR controller that is responsible for Hostcommunications for a cluster of iSTAR Controllers. Each of the controllers inthe cluster is connected to the Master Controller via Ethernet and allcommunication with the Host is routed through the Master Controller.media accesscontrol (MAC)addressMAC addresses are unique hardware addresses that are flashed onto networkdevices, including iSTAR controllers.modeA state variable of a reader on a door that determines, in general, how accessrequests are processed; the mode can be locked, unlocked, or secure.modemAn electronic device that converts the computer system’s digital informationinto analog information and transmits it over a telephone line. Whenreceiving, a modem converts signals from analog to digital.monitoringprivilegesSoftware privilege categories which control users’ level of access to securityobjects and activity messages at the monitoring station and in journal replay.If access to a specific security object is restricted, users cannot view theobject’s status at the monitoring station, view activity messages or journalreplays referencing the object, or perform manual actions on the object.C•CURE <strong>800</strong>/<strong>800</strong>0 <strong>Monitoring</strong> <strong>Station</strong> User <strong>Guide</strong>Glossary–21

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