C•CURE 800/8000 Monitoring Station Guide - Tyco Security Products

C•CURE 800/8000 Monitoring Station Guide - Tyco Security Products

C•CURE 800/8000 Monitoring Station Guide - Tyco Security Products

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GlossarypassbackA term designating a specific anti-passback violation wherein an access cardis presented at an anti-passback reader that accesses the same area/region asthe last recorded access for that card. The computer assumes the cardholderhas already passed through a reader with the same area assignments, but hasnot yet been recorded as passing the other way. (On readers with DSMs, thecomputer only logs the cardholder into the area if the card has been presentedand the door opened. For doors without DSMs, the cardholder isautomatically logged into the area when the access is granted.) The computerassumes the cardholder from the first presentation already entered the areaand that a second cardholder is now trying to enter using the first person’scard, which was “passed back” to them.PC CARDPreviously referred to as PCMCIA - industry standard interface to small,plug-in peripheral cards, such as modems, memory expansion, and networkcards. iSTAR supports a Type III slot.PersonalIdentificationNumber (PIN)A number assigned to a cardholder by a system administrator. It can beentered on a card reader keypad for further identification.personnelA person about whom information, such as name and card number, is storedin a personnel record in the C•CURE <strong>800</strong>/<strong>800</strong>0.personnel recordA collection of data items, such as name and card number, which identify aperson within the C•CURE <strong>800</strong>/<strong>800</strong>0.personnel viewPersonnel record dialog boxes customized for specific users.physical networkOne of two ways of describing the topology, or layout, of a computernetwork; the other is logical network. A physical network refers to the actualconfiguration of the hardware forming a network—that is, to the computers,connecting hardware, and, especially, the cabling patterns that give thenetwork its shape. Basic physical layouts include the bus, ring, and startopologies.PINSee Personal Identification Number (PIN).post-alarm timeDefines the stop time for a video segment.C•CURE <strong>800</strong>/<strong>800</strong>0 <strong>Monitoring</strong> <strong>Station</strong> User <strong>Guide</strong>Glossary–25

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