Protein Protocols Protein Protocols

Protein Protocols Protein Protocols

Protein Protocols Protein Protocols


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708 Jensen and Wilm<br />

Another method uses derivatization of free carboxyl groups, including the C-terminal<br />

carboxyl group of peptides. The tryptic peptide mixture is split in two portions. The first<br />

portion of the mixture is analyzed by nanoelectrospray tandem mass spectrometry and long<br />

peptide sequences are generated through complete interpretation of tandem mass spectra<br />

using the guidelines described in the preceding. The other portion of the peptide mixture is<br />

O-methyl-esterified (17,35,36) and then analyzed. Every free carboxyl-group including the<br />

C-terminus of peptides is esterified and therefore increase in mass by 14 Da. The number of<br />

methyl-esters in a peptide can be determined by the mass shift of peptides which is predictable<br />

from the previously interpreted tandem mass spectra of the native peptides. Because<br />

all y–ion fragments produced from an esterified peptide contain the C-terminus they are all<br />

shifted up in mass. Comparison of a set of tandem mass spectra obtained from a peptide and<br />

the corresponding esterified peptide serve to confirm the amino acid sequence because the<br />

y–ion series can unambiguosly be assigned. In addition, internal acidic residues, Asp and<br />

Glu, are methylated as well and can easily be differentiated from their corresponding amide<br />

residues, Asn and Gln, which otherwise differ in mass by only 1 Da.<br />

2.12. Perspectives<br />

Novel peptide sample preparation methods, mass analyzer configurations, and<br />

peptide dissociation techniques are continuously developed to increase sensitivity, mass<br />

accuracy, mass resolution, or sample throughput for peptide mass analysis and sequencing<br />

by mass spectrometry. The combination of the MALDI source with a Q-TOF hybrid<br />

instrument (37) and the development of electron capture dissociation (ECD) for<br />

MS/MS sequencing of large peptides and small intact proteins (38) are just two recent<br />

examples. Posttranslational modification of proteins leads to a change in the molecular<br />

mass of the affected residues and mass spectrometry is, therefore, a versatile analytical<br />

tool for structural characterization of modified peptides and proteins (39,40). MS-based<br />

approaches to peptide and protein quantitation using stable isotope labeling are also<br />

being pursued (41) and the use of multidimensional chromatography methods combined<br />

with ESI-MS/MS is an alternative or complement to two-dimensional gel electrophoresis<br />

for analysis of very complex protein mixtures (42–44). There is no doubt that<br />

applications of mass spectrometry in biological research will expand substantially in<br />

the future as the structure and function of all the gene products encoded in genomes of<br />

model organisms, including humans, have to be characterized in molecular details.<br />

References<br />

1. Fenn, J. B., Mann, M., Meng, C. K., Wong, S. F., and Whitehouse, C. M. (1989) Electrospray<br />

ionization for the mass spectrometry of large biomolecules. Science 246, 64 –71.<br />

2. Wilm, M. S. and Mann, M. (1994) Electrospray and Taylor - cone theory, Dole’s beam of<br />

macromolecules at last ? Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Proces. 136, 167–180.<br />

3. Wilm, M. and Mann, M. (1996) Analytical properties of the nano electrospray ion source.<br />

Analyt. Chem. 66, 1–8.<br />

4. Wilm, M. and Mann, M. (1996) Femtomole sequencing of proteins from polyacrylamide<br />

gels by nano electrospray mass spectrometry. Nature 379, 466–469.<br />

5. Shevchenko, A., Wilm, M., Vorm, O., and Mann, M. Mass spectrometric sequencing of<br />

proteins from silver stained polyacrylamide gels. Analyt. Chem. 68, 850–858.<br />

6. Roepstorff, P. and Fohlmann, J. (1984) Proposal for a common nomenclature for sequence<br />

ions in mass spectra of peptides. Biomed. Mass Spectrom. 11, 601.

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