Protein Protocols Protein Protocols

Protein Protocols Protein Protocols

Protein Protocols Protein Protocols


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Western Cross-Blotting 1029<br />

3.2. Electrotransfer onto NC<br />

1. For each gel, cut one sheet of NC paper and 15 pieces of Whatman 3MM paper to fit the<br />

dimensions of the separating gel (see Note 6).<br />

2. For each gel, prewet six sheets of the Whatman paper in buffer A, another six sheets in<br />

buffer C, and three sheets in buffer B. Prewet the single sheet of NC paper in buffer B.<br />

3. Disassemble the electrophoresis unit, discard the stacking gel, and mount the blot in the<br />

following order, making sure that no air bubbles are trapped between individual stacks:<br />

a. Place the Whatman stack from buffer A onto the anode plate of the semidry blotting<br />

apparatus.<br />

b. Place the Whatman stack from buffer B on top and cover it with the NC sheet.<br />

c. Place the gel onto the NC paper, then cover it with the Whatman stack from buffer C.<br />

4. Close the apparatus by mounting the cathode plate on top of the assembly and perform<br />

electrophoresis at a constant current of 1.4 mA/cm 2 for 2 h.<br />

3.3. Blocking and Incubation of the Blots with Antiserum<br />

All incubations are done on a laboratory shaker, either at room temperature for the<br />

time indicated or at 4°C overnight.<br />

1. Disassemble blotting apparatus and incubate the blot, which is intended as the antibody<br />

source (i.e., the “donor” blot) in PBS-Tween at room temperature for 30 min. Incubate the<br />

second blot (“receptor” blot) in 1% BSA in PBS for 2 h.<br />

2. Incubate the donor blot with antiserum in PBS-Tween with 1 mg/mL of BSA (see Note 7).<br />

3. From the central area of both blots, cut square-shaped pieces fitted to the dimension of the<br />

separating gel. Make asymmetrical marks on edges of the square-shaped NC pieces to<br />

help remember the orientation of the antigen bands. Set aside the remaining pieces of the<br />

donor blot in PBS-Tween. Incubate the remaining pieces of the receptor blot with antiserum<br />

in PBS-Tween with 1 mg/mL of BSA. These margin pieces will serve as reference<br />

strips to identify spots on the cross blot.<br />

4. Place donor blot onto a glass filter and wash with 20 mL of PTS in aliquots of approx 3 mL<br />

under vacuum using a sidearm flask. Incubate donor blot in PTS for 10 min on a laboratory<br />

shaker.<br />

5. Repeat step 4 twice (see Note 8).<br />

3.4. Cross Blot<br />

3.4.1. Electrotransfer of Antibodies<br />

1. Prewet one stack of Whatman paper, 1 cm thick and sufficiently sized to cover the donor<br />

blot, in BT and a second, equally sized, stack in SBT.<br />

2. Prewet a piece of dialysis membrane (with a pore size of approx 10 kDa) in BT, which is<br />

sufficiently sized to wrap the donor blot (i.e., at least twice the area of the donor blot).<br />

3. Assemble the cross-blot as follows (Fig. 1):<br />

a. Place the Whatman stack soaked in BT onto the anode of the semidry blotting apparatus.<br />

b. Place the dialysis membrane on top, in such a way that one half covers the Whatman<br />

stack while the second half rests beside it on the anode plate.<br />

c. Place the receptor blot, with the protein bands upside, onto the part of the dialysis<br />

membrane, which covers the anodal Whatman stack.

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