ultrasound diagnosis of fatal anomalies

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Fig. 8.14 Rocker-bottom foot. Seen in trisomy

18 at 24 + 4 weeks.

Self-Help Organization

Title: Club foot Mailing List

Description: Support group for parents of

children with club foot/feet, persons with club

foot/feet, or anyone needing support on this

topic. Operates through an e-mail mailing list.

Scope: Online

Web: http://www.onelist.com/community/



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Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Definition: This is a heterogeneous group of disorders

affecting the bones, characterized by multiple

fractures. Certain subtypes may be diagnosed

even in the prenatal stage due to fractures

and shortening of the bones, and increased bone

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transparency. The disorder can be divided into

four subtypes following Sillence’s classification:

Type I: is diagnosed frequently after birth;

fractures, blue sclera, and impaired hearing are




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