ultrasound diagnosis of fatal anomalies

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Smith–Lemli–Optitz syndrome 273–4, 275–6,

277, 344–5

Apert syndrome d.d. 237

arthrogryposis multiplex congenita association


cataract d.d. 47

CHARGE association d.d. 242, 274

Cornelia de Lange syndrome d.d. 243, 274

Dandy–Walker syndrome association 34,


Freeman–Sheldon syndrome d.d. 245

Fryns syndrome d.d. 246

genital anomalies 124, 273, 274

hydrolethalus d.d. 250

intrauterine growth restriction 274, 316

Meckel–Gruber syndrome d.d. 256, 274

Miller–Diecker syndrome d.d. 258

Mohr syndrome d.d. 260, 274

Neu–Laxova syndrome d.d. 265

Noonan syndrome d.d. 266

nuchal translucency 228

Pena–Shokeir syndrome d.d. 269

polydactyly association 163, 275, 276

renal agenesis association 135

trisomy 13 d.d. 274

trisomy 18 d.d. 194

trisomy 21 d.d. 205

Turner syndrome d.d. 211

Sotos syndrome 239, 315, 318, 344–5

spina bifida 24, 36, 51, 133, 199, 281

aperta 51, 52–5, 56

Jacobsen syndrome d.d. 179

spinal dysraphism 225

spine see vertebral column

spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia 148, 155,


stomach 2, 7, 8, 15

displacement 8

strawberry sign 183, 194, 219

subdural hematoma 46

superior vena cava 9

supraventricular tachycardia 100

swallowing reflex 27, 56, 59

symphysis, clefting 123

syndactyly 236, 237–8, 243, 259, 274

syphilis 43, 286, 289, 291


Tabatzniksyndrome 249

tachyarrhythmia 89

tachycardia 100–1

talipes see foot, club

TAR syndrome see thrombocytopenia–absent

radius (TAR) syndrome

Taussig–Bing anomaly 88

teardrop sign 30, 32

teratoma 56–7, 100, 140–2


hydrocele 126

undescended 89, 186

testicular feminization 124

tetralogy of Fallot 9, 93, 94–5, 96

diabetes mellitus 318

double-outlet right ventricle d.d. 88

trisomy 18 96, 196

trisomy 21 96, 205

tetrasomy 12 p see Pallister–Killian syndrome

alpha-thalassemia 328–9


anal atresia 106

duodenal atresia 108

Holt–Oram syndrome d.d. 249

hydronephrosis 130

intestinal atresia and stenosis 110

radius aplasia/hypoplasia 166

spina bifida 51

TAR syndrome d.d. 277

tetralogy of Fallot 93

thanatophoric dysplasia 171, 172–4, 175, 344–5

Apert syndrome d.d. 237

camptomelic dysplasia d.d. 157

Crouzon syndrome d.d. 244

diastrophic dysplasia d.d. 155

nuchal translucency 228

short rib–polydactyly syndrome d.d. 169,


thoracic dystrophy, asphyxiating 171

thoraco-abdominal circumference 354, 358

thoraco-abdominal diameter 353

thoraco-abdominoschisis 240

thorax 12, 21, 69–79

asphyxiating dysplasia 328–9

bowel herniation 77

diameter 356

dysplasia 169

screening 4, 5, 8

short rib–polydactyly syndrome 168, 169

thanatophoric dysplasia 171, 172, 173

Turner syndrome 212, 213

three lines sign 31

thrombocytopenia 166

thrombocytopenia–absent radius (TAR) syndrome

166, 220, 277–8, 344–5

Cornelia de Lange syndrome d.d. 243

Holt–Oram syndrome d.d. 249

Nager syndrome d.d. 264, 277

Shprintzen syndrome d.d. 273

VACTERL association d.d. 277, 280

thumb deformities 28, 43, 155, 245

thyroid, enlarged 66

tibia 157, 174, 355

tongue anomalies 259


corpus callosum agenesis 33

Dandy–Walker syndrome 35

encephalocele 36

hydranencephaly 42

hydrocephalus internus 43

intracranial bleeding 46

Walker–Warburg syndrome d.d. 282

Townes–Brocksyndrome 166, 344–5

toxoplasmosis 27, 43, 286, 292

cataract d.d. 47

Neu–Laxova syndrome d.d. 265

parvovirus B19 d.d. 291

tracheo-esophageal fistula 72, 87, 133, 279

Treacher–Collins syndrome 242, 248, 264,


tricuspid valve 5, 12, 89

trigonocephaly 179

trimethadione 93, 101

triple test 178, 204–5

triplets 302, 305

triploidy 180, 181–3, 184, 348–9

corpus callosum agenesis association 30,


Dandy–Walker syndrome association 34,


genital anomalies 124, 184

holoprosencephaly association 39, 180

hygroma colli association 63

intrauterine growth restriction 180, 181, 316

Miller–Diecker syndrome d.d. 258

multiple pterygium syndrome d.d. 263

nuchal translucency 228

omphalocele association 120

polydactyly 165

Shprintzen syndrome d.d. 273

trisomy 9 d.d. 180, 186

trisomy 18 d.d. 180, 194

ventriculomegaly 225

Wolf–Hirschhorn syndrome d.d. 217


fetal hydrops 286

Fryns syndrome d.d. 246

hypoplasia of left heart association 96

nuchal translucency 228

radius aplasia/hypoplasia association 166

triploidy d.d. 180, 186, 194

urethral valve sequence 144

ventriculomegaly 225

trisomy 8 185

mosaic 154, 185

trisomy 9 186, 217, 220, 223, 258

mosaic 180, 194, 348–9

partial 76, 186

trisomy 10 187, 316

mosaic 348–9

trisomy 13 187–9, 190–2, 193, 348–9

brachycephaly 219

CHARGE association d.d. 242

corpus callosum agenesis association 30

echogenic kidneys 223

facial cleft association 59, 62, 188, 189

genital anomalies 124

Goldenhar syndrome association 248

holoprosencephaly association 39, 40, 188

Holt–Oram syndrome d.d. 249

hydrolethalus d.d. 250

hygroma colli association 63, 188

infantile polycystic kidney disease 131, 132

Jacobsen syndrome d.d. 179

Meckel–Gruber syndrome d.d. 189, 256

Miller–Diecker syndrome d.d. 258

omphalocele association 120, 188, 190

polydactyly 163, 164, 188, 190, 192

Smith–Lemli–Optitz syndrome d.d. 274

TAR syndrome d.d. 277

trisomy 9 d.d. 186

VACTERL association d.d. 280

ventricular septal defect 104

Walker–Warburg syndrome d.d. 282

trisomy 18 193–6, 197–203, 348–9

arthrogryposis multiplex congenita association


CHARGE association d.d. 242

choroid plexus cysts 229, 230

corpus callosum agenesis association 30,


Dandy–Walker syndrome association 34,


diaphragmatic hernia association 76, 194

double-outlet right ventricle association 88

Freeman–Sheldon syndrome d.d. 194, 245

Goldenhar syndrome association 248

holoprosencephaly association 39

Holt–Oram syndrome d.d. 249

hygroma colli association 63, 200







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