ultrasound diagnosis of fatal anomalies

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esophageal atresia 72

extrasystoles 93

fetal alcohol syndrome 320

Fryns syndrome 246

heroin 321

Holt–Oram syndrome 249

hydrolethalus 249

hydrops fetalis association 286

hygroma colli 64–5

intestinal atresia and stenosis association


Jacobsen syndrome 179

Miller–Diecker syndrome 258

Noonan syndrome 265

omphalocele association 120

Pallister–Killian syndrome 179

parvovirus B19 d.d. 291

radius aplasia/hypoplasia 166

renal agenesis association 135

short rib–polydactyly syndrome 171

Shprintzen syndrome 273

Smith–Lemli–Optitz syndrome 274, 275

triploidy 180, 181, 182

trisomy 8 185

trisomy 9 186

trisomy 10 187

trisomy 13 188, 190, 191

trisomy 18 194, 195, 196, 201, 202

trisomy 21 205, 206, 207, 210

Turner syndrome 211, 213

see also heart; named conditions

cardiac arrhythmia, fetal 82, 84

cardiac failure 309, 311

cardiac insufficiency 107, 141

cardiac rhabdomyomas 99–100

cardiomegaly 57, 291

Carpenter syndrome 120, 163, 330–1

Apert syndrome d.d. 237

Crouzon syndrome d.d. 244

Mohr syndrome d.d. 260

Smith–Lemli–Optitz syndrome d.d. 274

cataract 47, 160

caudal regression syndrome 91, 135, 240, 250,

318, 330–1

multiple pterygium syndrome d.d. 263

VACTERL association d.d. 250, 280

CDKN1 C gene 239

central nervous system (CNS) 180, 183, 320,


cerebellar diameter 353

cerebellum 8, 11, 183, 186, 220

hypoplasia 169, 179, 255

cerebral anomalies 259

see also ventricles, cerebral

cerebral artery, medial 361

cerebral gyri, absence 258, 282

cerebral infarcts 311

cervical canal 19

cervical insufficiency, maternal 19

cervix, maternal 18, 19

CHARGE association 96, 120, 225, 241–2,


Dandy–Walker syndrome association 34,

220, 242

Smith–Lemli–Optitz syndrome d.d. 242, 274

choanal atresia 241, 242

chondrodysplasia punctata 47, 225, 330–1,


chorioangioma 286, 297

chorionic villus sampling 195, 210, 211

choroid plexus 242

cysts 194, 229–30

chromosomal anomalies 2, 219–33

cisterna magna 188, 194, 353

cleft lip and palate see facial clefts

cleidocranial dysplasia 332–3

clinodactyly 179, 194, 202, 205, 259, 268

clitoris 127, 184

cloaca formation 130

cocaine 321–2

encephalocele 36

hydranencephaly 42

hydronephrosis 130

intestinal atresia and stenosis 110

intracranial bleeding 46

radius aplasia/hypoplasia 166

renal agenesis 135

coloboma 47

color Doppler sonography 5, 6, 12, 14, 15, 16

color flow mapping (CFM) 2, 3, 8–9

congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation

(CCAM) of lung 69, 70, 71

congenital malformations in multiple pregnancy


Conradi–Hünermann syndrome 332–3

Cornelia de Lange syndrome 96, 166, 228, 243,

316, 332–3

Apert syndrome d.d. 237, 243

Freeman–Sheldon syndrome d.d. 245

Fryns syndrome d.d. 246

Holt–Oram syndrome d.d. 243, 249

Miller–Diecker syndrome d.d. 258

multiple pterygium syndrome d.d. 243, 263

Nager syndrome d.d. 264

Neu–Laxova syndrome d.d. 265

Noonan syndrome d.d. 266

Shprintzen syndrome d.d. 273

Smith–Lemli–Optitz syndrome d.d. 243, 274

TAR syndrome d.d. 277

trisomy 21 d.d. 205

Turner syndrome d.d. 211

corpus callosum agenesis 29–30, 31–2, 33, 34,


hydrolethalus 249

hypoplasia of left heart association 96

Meckel–Gruber syndrome 30, 255

Miller–Dieker syndrome 30, 258

triploidy 30, 180

trisomy 18 30, 194

Wolf–Hirschhorn syndrome 30, 215, 216

cortisone 59

cranial sutures 244

cranial vault absence/aplasia 24, 25, 26

craniofacial abnormalities 192, 193

Apert syndrome 236, 237

cocaine 321

Crouzon syndrome 244

Fryns syndrome 246

heroin 321

hydrolethalus 249

Miller–Diecker syndrome 258

Pallister–Killian syndrome 179

Pena–Shokeir syndrome 267

trisomy 13 188

trisomy 18 194, 195, 200

trisomy 21 205

Wolf–Hirschhorn syndrome 215, 216, 217

see also facial clefts

craniofacial dysostosis type I see Crouzon syndrome

craniosynostosis 244

cri-du-chat syndrome 217, 258

Crouzon syndrome 30, 225, 244, 332–3

Apert syndrome d.d. 237, 244

hydrolethalus d.d. 250

crown–rump length 2, 350

cutaneous hemangioma/lymphangioma 251

cyclopia in trisomy 13 192, 193

cystic fibrosis 110, 116, 222, 283–4, 293, 332–3

cystic hygroma 251, 266, 267, 276, 286


choroid plexus 194, 229–30

Dandy–Walker syndrome 34, 35

gallbladder 139

liver 131

ovarian fetal 138–9, 140

umbilical cord 198, 203, 299–300

urachal 299

see also congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation

(CCAM) of lung; hygroma

colli; renal dysplasia, multicystic

cytomegalovirus (CMV) 27, 43, 116, 286, 293,


cataract d.d. 47

cystic fibrosis d.d. 283

parvovirus B19 d.d. 291

syphilis d.d. 289

toxoplasmosis d.d. 292


Dandy–Walker syndrome 34–5, 39, 220, 242,

245, 249

corpus callosum agenesis association 29, 33,

34, 35

Fryns syndrome 34, 220, 246

Meckel–Gruber syndrome 34, 220, 255

trisomy 9 186

Walker–Warburg syndrome 220, 282

de Lange syndrome see Cornelia de Lange syndrome

delivery 2, 81

Denys–Drash syndrome 124

Di George syndrome 88, 96, 273, 332–3

diabetes, gestational 318

diabetes mellitus, maternal 318

anal atresia 106

anencephaly 24, 318

caudal regression syndrome 250, 318

coarctation of aorta 81

duodenal atresia 108

femoral focal hypoplasia 155

holoprosencephaly 39, 318

hydramnios 298

hypoplasia of left heart 96

polydactyly 163

renal anomalies 130, 133, 135, 318

singular umbilical arteries 231

spina bifida 51

diabetic fetopathy 239

diaphragmatic hernia 8, 76, 77, 78, 120

cardiac anomalies 76, 77, 91, 92, 96

Fryns syndrome 76, 246, 247

multiple pterygium syndrome 76, 260

Pallister–Killian syndrome 76, 179

trisomy 18 76, 194

Wolf–Hirschhorn syndrome 76, 217

diastrophic dysplasia 155, 157, 253, 273, 332–3

disseminated hemangioma syndrome 251







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