ultrasound diagnosis of fatal anomalies

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hygroma colli 62, 63, 64–5, 66, 194

Fryns syndrome 246, 247

multiple pterygium syndrome 260

trisomy 13 63, 188

trisomy 18 63, 200

trisomy 21 63, 65, 204, 221

Turner syndrome 63, 211, 212, 214, 228

see also cystic hygroma

hyperinsulinemia of the newborn 318

hypertelorism 179, 180, 187, 215

hyperthermia 24, 36, 51, 59, 151

hyperthyroidism 66

hypochondroplasia 47, 148, 156,163

hypoglycemia 315, 318

hypokinesia sequence 154

hypophosphatasia 157

hypospadias 124, 125, 127, 239

hypothyroidism 66


IGF2 gene 239

indomethacin 301, 310

infections, congenital 27, 28, 107, 289–97

arthrogryposis multiplex congenita 151

cataract d.d. 47

Dandy–Walker syndrome 34

encephalocele 36

fetal hydrops 286

holoprosencephaly 39

hydramnios 298

hydranencephaly 42

hydrocephalus internus 43

intracranial bleeding 46

microcephaly 48

triploidy d.d. 180

see also TORCH

inferior vena cava 9

iniencephaly 36, 45–6

intersexuality 124

intestines 6, 110–11, 113

see also bowel

intra-abdominal calcification 114, 115, 116, 117

intracardiac fibroma 100

intracranial bleeding 46–7

intracranial calcification 48, 56, 292

cytomegalovirus 293, 294, 295

intrauterine death 20

intrauterine growth restriction 20, 148, 316–17

anticonvulsive drugs 319

Cornelia de Lange syndrome 243, 316

diabetes mellitus 318

gastroschisis 113

intestinal atresia and stenosis association


Jacobsen syndrome 179, 316

Miller–Diecker syndrome 258, 316

Neu–Laxova syndrome 265, 316

Noonan syndrome 265

Pallister–Killian syndrome 179

Pena–Shokeir syndrome 267

rhesus incompatibility 287

Russell–Silver syndrome 272, 316

Shprintzen syndrome 273

Smith–Lemli–Optitz syndrome 274, 316

triploidy 180, 181, 316

trisomy 9 186, 316

trisomy 10 187, 316

trisomy 13 188

trisomy 18 193–4, 316

trisomy 21 205

twins 311, 314

varicella 290

Wolf–Hirschhorn syndrome 215, 316

iris coloboma 215, 241

Ivemarksyndrome 82, 250, 336–7


Jacobsen syndrome 179, 217, 225, 258, 316,


Jarcho–Levin syndrome 263, 280, 336–7

joint contractures 179, 260, 267

joint dislocation, congenital 253, 254

Joubert syndrome 34, 163, 228, 336–7

Apert syndrome d.d. 237

Dandy–Walker syndrome association 220

Meckel–Gruber syndrome d.d. 256

Noonan syndrome d.d. 266

Smith–Lemli–Optitz syndrome d.d. 274

Turner syndrome d.d. 211


keyhole phenomenon 145, 146

kidneys 6, 7, 8, 15

calcification 138, 141

echogenic 223, 239, 257

hamartoma 278

see also renal entries

Klippel–Feil association 96, 248, 263, 336–7

Klippel–Trenaunay–Weber syndrome 150,

251–2, 336–7

knee deformities 155, 254

Kniest syndrome 47, 211, 336–7

achondroplasia d.d. 148

Fryns syndrome d.d. 246

Noonan syndrome d.d. 266

KVLQT1 gene 239

kyphoscoliosis 155, 240


L1 CAM gene 27

labia, female genital 126

lambda sign 9, 303

laparoschisis 113

large bowel 110–11, 113

Larsen syndrome 154, 155, 253, 254, 336–7

leg anomalies 151, 153, 162, 173–4, 250, 254

lemon sign 43, 51, 54

LEOPARD syndrome 266, 336–7

leptomeninges, maldevelopment 28

limb–body stalkanomaly 91, 150, 240–1

lips 8, 10

lissencephaly 29, 48, 265

see also Miller–Dieker syndrome; Walker–

Warburg syndrome

listeriosis 43

lithium 66, 89

liver 8

calcification 114, 115, 186, 290, 293, 295


herniation 113

ruptured omphalocele 121

see also hepatosplenomegaly

lung malformation 69, 70, 71, 286

see also pulmonary hypoplasia

lymphangioma 150, 251, 286


McKusick–Kaufmann syndrome 129, 138

macrocephaly 39

macrocrania 148

macroglossia 239

macrosomia 239, 311, 315, 318

Maffucci syndrome 251

Majewski syndrome 220, 260, 338–9

mandibulofacial dysostosis 248, 264

Marfan syndrome 47, 239, 253

Marshall–Smith syndrome 239, 318

Meckel–Gruber syndrome 255–6, 257–8,


corpus callosum agenesis association 30,


Dandy–Walker syndrome association 34,

220, 255

echogenic kidneys 223

encephalocele 36, 255, 256, 257

facial dysmorphism 59, 256

hydrocephalus 43, 256

hydrolethalus d.d. 250, 256

infantile polycystic kidney disease 131, 132

Miller–Diecker syndrome d.d. 258

Mohr syndrome d.d. 256, 260

polydactyly 163, 255, 256, 258

Smith–Lemli–Optitz syndrome d.d. 256, 274

trisomy 13 d.d. 189, 256

ventriculomegaly 225

Walker–Warburg syndrome d.d. 282

meconium calcification 106

meconium ileus 110

meconium peritonitis 107, 110, 116, 117, 283,


mediastinal obstruction 107

mediastinal shift 8

megacolon 89

megacystis 130

megacystis–microcolon syndrome 144

megaureter 130

meiotic nondisjunction 205, 211

meningocele 48, 51, 52–5, 56

mesenteric cysts 139

metatrophic dysplasia 225, 338–9

methotrexate 59, 270

methylene blue 110

metronidazole 59

microcephaly 48–9, 50

anticonvulsive drugs 319

Cornelia de Lange syndrome 243

corpus callosum agenesis association 29

cytomegalovirus 293

diabetes mellitus 318

encephalocele 37, 38, 49

fetal alcohol syndrome 320

holoprosencephaly association 39, 48

hypoplasia of left heart association 96

Jacobsen syndrome 179

Meckel–Gruber syndrome 255

Miller–Diecker syndrome 258

Neu–Laxova syndrome 265

Pallister–Killian syndrome 179

Smith–Lemli–Optitz syndrome 273, 274

trisomy 9 186


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